Evangéliumi Hírnök, 1980 (72. évfolyam, 1-24. szám)

1980-01-01 / 1. szám

8. oldal 1980.január 1. On the 18th of November, we celebrated with joy one of our residents Helen Veizer’s 20th Anni­versary of residing in our Home. Helen is the person who for 20 years had tended our gardens so faith­fully. The work of her hands could be seen throughout our grounds. She has been a champion of our Home and considers the past 20 years as the happiest part of her life. Although she is now having serious medical problems, she still tends her gardens. It is a punishment for her if she cannot tend her gardens on a daily basis. Bethesda can really be thankful for having such a faithful person to tend God’s beautifully growing plant life. Our tourist season is upon us and Mid Year Committee Meetings The Missions Committee: Wednesday, 9:00 a.m. Jan. 23, 1980 The Executive Cimmittee: Friday, 9:00 a.m. Jan. 25, 1980 The Program Committee: Friday, 1:00 p.m. Jan. 25, 1980 The Combined Missions and Finance Committee: Friday, 6:30 p.m. Jan. 25, 1980 The Finance Committee: Saturday, 9:00 a.m. Jan. 26, 1980 It is anticipated that all meetings will be concluded by late Saturday evening. All members however are invited to join us for services on Sunday. Sincerely, Ernest J. Kish Vice President The American Hungarian Baptist Union * Please notify the writer or Dr. László Bíró of your arrival. — Tele­phone: 1-305-723-3288 or 1-305-723-4627 WHY? WHAT? Q. What is the definition of a financial genius? A. It is a man who can earn money faster than his family can spend it. * * * Q. Why are people born with two eyes and one tongue? A. So they can see twice as much as they say. __________________________________ we already have winter guests in residency. We are happy to be of help to all of our wonderful friends who visit with us each year in order to avoid the cold weather of the winter months. Our rooms at this time are all filled for the coming season. Won’t you all make plans for next year to spend the winter months with us. Thanksgiving Day was a blessed event here at Bethesda. Our day started with devotion and we con­tinued throughout the day to give thanks to God for the many blessings He has bestowed upon us. For many of us, we were happy that God gave us just one more year of life. At the average age of 84.5, we cannot know for certain how much longer we will be allowed to remain in our earthly home. Thus it is a special blessing to us to reach each new anniversary. After our morning worship service, we ate of the food that God had provided for us through the generos­ity of so many of you. We thank God for giving to us so many wonderful friends such as you all are. May God bless you for it. Our Home was presented with a very fine golf cart by our General Development Corporation. We are grateful to them for their generosity and we are now using it as an overall vehicle in our maintenance depart­ment as well as in other areas of our operation. May God bless them for their thoughtfulness. November is also the month during which the State of Florida makes its annual inspection of our facilities. It is this inspection that determines the approval of our license to operate in the following year. Bethesda has a tremendously fine report with all of our State agencies and we welcome their sug­gestions. Needless to say, we had no matters on which they were un­happy. It is always our desire to keep our Home clean, in good repair and acceptable to all of our residents. Needless to say, they were happy with all phases of our operation. On November 10th we laid to rest a real champion of our Home, The Reverend George Balia went to be with the Lord that he loved and served so faithfully. He was in part responsible for the relocation of our Home from Watervliet, Michigan to our present site in Palm Bay, Flo­rida. It was he who located our pre­sent property and was instrumental in its purchase by our Convention. Throughout the years, he served our Home as a member of our board and as a friend. He often visited us and walked among our fruit trees and enjoyed some of the fruit of his labors. We shall not easily forget him and we will miss his counsel and his constant concern for us. Now he is with the Lord for which he strived throughout his lifetime. May God comfort his loved ones. At present we are already making preparations for Christmas. Please continue us in your prayers. Our work with ageing loved ones is a very rewarding one and we ask for your prayers and your letters of encou­ragement and help. God bless you all. Ernest J. Kish, Administrator. * * * * BETHESDA BAPTIST RETIREMENT HOME CONTRIBUTIONS NOVEMBER 1979 Mr. and Mrs. Julius Kish Fairfield, Conn. $100.00 Mr. and Mrs. Louis Taylor Wadsworth, Ohio 40.00 The Rev. and Mrs. Gabriel Petre Palm Bay, Fla. 10.00 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gyarmati Normandy Beach, N.J. 100.00 Mr. Alex Raduly, Palm Bay, Fla. 10.00 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schaffer North Bay, Canada: In loving memory of Mrs. Irene Tatter 50.00 Hungarian Baptist Church, N.Y.C. 25.00 Bethesda Baptist Church, Palm Bay 85.00 Mrs. Margaret Mobley, Palm Bay , Fla. 50.00 Mrs. Julia Smenyak, Palm Bay, Fla. 5.00 Mrs. Julia and Margaret Vargo Hemet, Calif. 10.00 The Rev. Michael Major Cleveland, Ohio 15.00 Mr. and Mrs. Steve Crump Merritt Island, Fla. 25.00 Mr. and Mrs. John Balogh Northridge, Calif. 25.00 Mrs. Emile L. Fischer North Kinstown, R.I. 25.00 The Mission Guild, Bridgeport, Conn. 35.00 Mrs. Clara Szabó, Youngstown, Ohio 100.00 Mrs. Magdolna Attila Watervliet, Mich. 10.00 Anonymous 50.00 Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kish Fairfield, Conn. 10.00 Silliman Memorial Baptist Church Bridgeport, Conn. 18.80 Mr. and Mrs. Ernest J. Kish Palm Bay, Fla. 30.00 $828.80

