Evangéliumi Hírnök, 1979 (71. évfolyam, 1-22. szám)

1979-01-15 / 2. szám

1979. január 15. 7. oldal Bethesda Home construction as of November 1, 1978. each of them a true Bethesda welcome. For the most part, our residents presently are in fairly good health. Oh, we do have some who are slow in movement and in thought, but this will come to all of us if God wills that we too live to our 80’s and 90’s. We were happy to welcome Mr. Alex Raduly as one of our residents this month. Mr. Raduly is one of our real old time Hungarian Baptist laymen who has served the Lord faithfully for many years in Cali­fornia and more recently in Denver. May he find the peace and well being that he seeks for many years to come with his Hungarian brethren here in Florida. We also making preparations for our winter guests. As during past winter months, we anticipate that we will have a full house this year also. It is always nice to see friends from all over our country and Canada. Our resident count during the winter months rises to about 70 people. It is a privilege for us to be of service to all of these guests. Work on the refurbishing of our inner courtyard has moved along quite nicely. When we finish, we will have a formalized garden with a fountain and a sitting area for the comfort and joy of our residents. The concrete work as well as a canopy has been completed. We are now in the process of putting in the plants, shrubs and trees. This is an­other part of our program to beautify our grounds. It is our hope to have this completed by Christ­mas, if God so wills. We are grateful to our local garden club for their help in the planning of the project. Our major construction project is slowly but surely coming to a con­clusion. It is our somewhat optimistic hope that this project will be ready for guests by the first of the year. Our contractor is working hard to meet this deadline, since he knows of our great need for the additional rooms. At this present moment, we have a need for more rooms than we are adding. Perhaps some day, Bethesda will have enough capacity to take of all requests that we receive. At this time, we are adding only eight additional rooms plus a much needed lounge and two screened in sitting areas. We are grateful to God for even this small addition. Prudence and the exorbitant building costs have dictated that we expand slowly and with much thought and prayer. Your Board of Directors have acted wisely, and we thank God for their efforts in our behalf. Our furnishings are on order, and it is our hope that every­thing will be delivered on time. We will however have a great need for sheets, pillow cases, spreads and drapes for each of the bedrooms. We also need pictures and mirrors for these rooms. Perhaps the Lord will lead someone to fill these needs for us. Some money has already been sent to us for this purpose, but much more will be needed. Bethesda has a very fine reputa­tion in Florida. We receive referrals from many sources throughout the state. This is possible only because we have created a very fine and beautiful facility for our aged citizens. Just last week we had our annual licensure inspection. The comments of each of our four State inspectors were very complimentary and gratifying to me. We have built a reputation slowly but surely, and we are doing everything we can to live up to the standards that have been set for us. We have however an ÉRTESÍTÉS! A Misszió és Irodalmi Bizottság február 14-én és 15-én tartja I évközi gyűlését, a detroiti gyülekezet imaházában. A bizottság értekezése szerda reggel 9 órakor kezdődik. A bizottság elnöke: Bíró László. even greater standard that we must live up to, and that comes to us from our Lord Jesus Christ as we find it in Matthew 25, “Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.” God bless you all, and come and see us. ErnestJ. Kish, Administrator * * * BETHESDA BAPTIST RETIREMENT HOME CONTRIBUTIONS NOVEMBER, 1978 In loving memory of Elizabeth Bntti: Chesnut Street Baptist Church Wadsworth, Ohio $ 25.00 Mrs. Garto, Wadsworth, Ohio 10.00 Mrs. Zeffer, Wadsworth, Ohio 10.00 Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Bodolay Wadsworth, Ohio 5.00 Rev. and Mrs. George Balia, Palm Bay 20.00 Helen Veizer, Palm Bay 40.00 Julia Smenyak, Palm Bay 10.00 Margaret Mobley, Palm Bay 50.00 Bethesda Baptist Church 85.00 Mr. and Mrs. Steve Matyas, Palm Bay 10.00 Rev. and Mrs. Gabriel Petre, Palm Bay 20.00 Alex Raduly, Denver, Colorado 10.00 Mr. and Mrs. Steve Forgács Fairfield, Conn. 10.00 Louis Paltza, W. Covina, Cal. 50.00 Mr. and Mrs. Louis Meyers Edgewater, Fla. 25.00 First Baptist Church, Garfield, N.J. 100.00 Mr. and Mrs. George Kalman Piscataway, NJ. 100.00 Anna L. Kautz, West Newton, Mass. 25.00 Mr. and Mrs. John Fogarty Stratford, Conn. 10.00 Dr. and Mrs. H. Ellis Plyler, Stuart, FI. 10.00 Col. (Ret.) and Mrs. Charles Gray Cocoa Beach, Fla. 10.00 Mr. and Mrs. Ernest J. Kish, Palm Bay 30.00 Mr. and Mrs. Louis Taylor Wadsworth, Ohio 30.00 $695.00

