Evangéliumi Hírnök, 1978 (70. évfolyam, 1-24. szám)

1978-03-01 / 5. szám

1978. március 1. EVANGÉLIUMI HÍRNÖK 7. oldal tőle. Örömünket fokozta, hogy az imahét három estéjén Dénes Ferenc hozta a drága igéket. Dénes testvér a kolozsvári gyülekezet lelkipásztora látogatóban volt Amerikában, s így volt alkalmunk többször kedves taní­tásait hallgatni. Többek között mondotta: “A szelídség, nem gyen­geség. Mózes a legszelídebb ember volt ezen a földön, mégis nagy volt, mint hadvezér.” Amikor az irgal­masságról beszélt, Józsefet állította elénk, aki irgalmas volt testvéreihez, megbocsátott nekik és megjutalmaz­ta őket. A mi irgalmas Megváltónk is le­hajolt hozzánk, és a legnagyobb áldozatot hozta érettünk. Szívünk vágya az volt: bárcsak sokan hall­gathatták volna ezeken az estéken az Úr Jézus hívogató szavát, és többen együtt imádkozhattunk volna. Január nyolcadikán Molnár Ba­lázs lelkipásztor testvér és kedves neje látta vendégül a gyülekezet tag­jait. A meghívott vendégekkel, több mint negyven személy volt jelen az ebéden. Nagyon finom és bőséges volt minden. Kívánjuk, hogy az Úr gazdagon áldja meg lelkipásztorun­kat és élettársát, akik őszinte szere­tettel fáradoznak közöttünk. Január 11-én búcsúztunk el Dénes Ferenc lelkipásztor testvértől, aki befejezte amerikai látogatását. Sok örömteljes órát töltöttünk együtt az Úr lábánál. Istené legyen a dicsőség. New York-i megbízott. * * * ADAKOZÁS Magyar Baptista Könyv- és Traktátus-misszióra 1978. január hó 1-től 31-ig ősi József, Vilié Brosard, Que. Kanada $40.00 Garfield, N.J. Bapt. gyülekezet 20.00 Szakács Katalin, Garfield, N.J. 10.00 Mrs. Rose Nowak, Vancouver, B.C. 30.00 Mrs. R. C. Lowery, New York, N.Y. 5.00 $105.00 Szerencsy József né * * * JANUARY AT BETHESDA Just as surely as night follows day, a busy January followed a very busy December. One would think that after a busy schedule of events in December, there would be a lessen­ing of activity during the month of January. This however was not so. We are happy with this though, be­cause our winter guests arrive, and we are happy to see so many lovely friends who come down to Florida to spend the winter months with us. It is always such a joy to see them, and it is a privilege to be able to be of service to them. After all that is what we are here for. If we can ease the burdens for our elderly citizens in some little way, we have fulfilled our obligation to them as a Christian retirement facility. We have filled up every room in our cottages with folks from all sections of our country and Canada. It is such a joy to watch them sit together, laugh, and yes, even cry in reminiscing over days long gone by. We as a Home are proud to be able to help these wonderful folks to enjoy these later days of their lives. We were grieved by the sudden death of one of our wonderful friends, and a four year resident of our Home. Mary Yovanovits always praised our Home for the service that it was rendering to our beloved senior citizens. She always smiled in spite of her physical frailties. She shall be missed by all of us. Another one of our resident, Zenaide Iannac­­cone, complained of “not feeling well” at 5:30 a.m. last Sunday. At 6:15 she was with her Lord. How quickly we change from our earthly bodies to our heavenly bodies. We must therefore be ready for this change at all times. We were fortunate indeed to be able to host the Csehy Musical Mes­sengers on January 19th. What a joy it was to once again hear our beauti­ful Christian music played and sung as only these fine folks can present it. Our residents, as well as all members of our church community, enjoyed their presentation. May God bless all those who help make life at Bethesda a more pleasant ex­perience. Our plan for the addition to our Home is progressing as scheduled. At the present moment our architect has completed the design and is now working on specifications and preli­minary bids. He should be ready with his work around the end of January, and then we will be in a position to seek final bids. In the meantime we are working on our new storage building which must be completed before we start work on our Home addition. This building is 32’ by 50’ and is being built of concrete blocks. We are now ready to put up our roof trusses. Once again, we will complete the balance of the needed work ourselves in order to save money. Needless to say, we are being kept extremely busy with all of this activity. We are fortunate indeed to have employees who are well versed in the building trade and able to do this work. In addition, we are fortunate to have with us Mr, Paul Dudics, Jr. (Bridgeport) who is helping us with this project in whatever way he can (without charge). May God bless him for his contribution of love to our Home. We are as of this writing making plans to host three very important committees of the Hungarian Bap­tist Union. One is the Missions Com­mittee which will be meeting here from February 14th to the 17th. After that, the Finance Committee will meet from February 18th to the 20th. And in between these dates the Board of Directors of the Hungarian Baptist Union will be meeting to discuss and to try to resolve some of our ever present problems. All of these committees are constituted of dedicated and concerned indi­viduals of the Hungarian Baptist Union who give of their time and energy for the furtherance of our MAGYAR Philadelphiai Magyar Baptista Misz­­szió. — Minden vasárnap este 10:30—11:00-kor. WIBF, 104 FM. Első Magyar Baptista Gyülekezet, New York, N. Y. Második és negyedik vasárnap du. 1:15-kor. WHPI, Newark, N.J. 104.9 FM hullámsáv. Magyar Baptista Misszió, San Jose, California. Minden vasárnap du. 6-kor. KBRG, 105.3 FM hullámsáv. Bibliai Gyülekezet, Los Angeles, Cal Minden kedd este 6:30 —7:00-kor. KMAX, 107.1 F.M.

