Evangéliumi Hírnök, 1977 (69. évfolyam, 1-24. szám)
1977-01-15 / 2. szám
1977. február 1. EVANGÉLIUMI HÍRNÖK 7. oldal for God’s grace in providing us with just one more Christmas. Is it any wonder that our. loved ones enjoy this season of the year. Each morning our devotions revolved around the birth of the Christ Child and on the impact of His birth on our lives. We put forth the real reason for our celebration, so that everyone should know that without Christ there just cannot be real joy in our hearts. What a privilege it is to have our loved ones partake of these devotions and to see the look of understanding and joy in their tear filled eyes. It has been said that Christmas is significant mostly to the very young. Well, we know that Christmas is even more meaningful to our aged loved ones. Our Home was decorated with all the glitter of the season. We had Christmas trees and wreaths, as well as Christmas candles and lights to beautify our Home. We had beautiful poinsettias and other flowers to add their beauty to the celebration. Red table cloths and holiday place mats added to the festive look of our Home. Each resident had a Christmas stocking hung to hold the many gifts which were received by all of our residents. We enjoyed Christmas carols and other special music by many of our neighboring groups and churches. Our folks just loved to hear the beautiful Christmas music, and to join in with their voices to praise God for His gift of a Son to us. Many of these groups brought gifts for our residents, and it was a joy to watch them open these gifts. Those of our family without close loved ones were especially provided for by us. This was made possible by your gifts to our Home. May God bless you all for it. You have added just a bit more joy and happiness for those who cannot provide it for themselves. Our Christmas Eve Vesper Service was once again the highlight of the month. We were joined by our community of friends in the celebration. Carols, poems, special music by our church choir, and of course the period of meditation as presented by Dr. Biro capped our services. Fine Hungarian cakes and other pastries were served to more than 100 people in attendance. We were grateful to the ladies of our church Ladies Aid for providing the excellent pastries. During the month we had some rather sad happenings also. Brother John Kautz, Sr. (New York City) was called to his heavenly home. We miss brother Kautz, but we are comforted by the fact that he is with the Father in a home where we all meet those who have gone on before. We also had to transfer Ethel Risdorfer to the Easter Manor Nursing Home in Fort Pierce, Florida. Please continue her in your constant prayers, since she is extremely weak and asks for your prayers. As of this writing we also have four other loved ones in the hospitals. They are Julia Kerestly (Newcastle, Pa.), Edward Sabo (Bridgeport), Margaret Berze (Palm Bay), and Eva Bach (Detroit). All of these loved ones are very ill and covet your prayers. God has once again blessed your Home in a very special way during the year 1976. Our primary aim during the year has been to provide the best possible service for those people who have a need of us. This we have done to the best of our ability. It is our belief that through our efforts we have been able to bring Christ closer to our beloved residents. We are thankful to God for your prayerful support. Won’t you continue us in your prayers. God bless you all. ErnestJ. Kish, Administrator. * * * BETHESDA BAPTIST RETIREMENT HOME CONTRIBUTIONS DECEMBER, 1976 Margaret Mobley Palm Bay, Fla. $ 70.00 Mrs. Julia Biro Phoenix, Arizona 15.00 Mr. John Kautz, Jr. Flushing, N. Y. 25.00 Mr. and Mrs. Paul Podobni Pipestone, Manitoba 40.00 Margaret Banrevi Hamilton, Ontario 10.00 Mr. and Mrs. Julius Washitza Bethlehem, Pa. 20.00 Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Kohl Sebastian, Florida 10.00 Mr. and Mrs. Earle Wright Palm Bay, Fla. 10.00 Rev. and Mrs. Arpad Fulop Palm Bay, Fla. 30.00 Elsie Simon Riviera Beach, Fla. 5.00 Mr. and Mrs. Russell Ahart Pembroke Pines, Fla. 10.00 First Baptist Church Mount Holly, N.J. 40.00 Mr. and Mrs. John Fogarty Stratford, Conn. 10.00 Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bankuti New York City 50.00 Bethesda Baptist Church 85.00 Mr. and Mrs. John Balogh Northridge, Cal. 15.00 Ilona Salyards Penny Farms, Fla. 10.00 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Muhlstaff Fort Lauderdale, Fla. 20.00 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Toth Norwalk, Conn. 15.00 Elizabeth Chernak Wooster, Ohio 10.00 Rev. and Mrs. John Bene Lake Worth, Fla. 10.00 Ladies Aid, Silliman Memorial Baptist Church, Bridgeport, Conn. 25.00 Velma Kinda, Van Nuys, Cal. 5.00 Anonymous 24.00 Mr. and Mrs. Jack Steg Palm Bay, Fla. 50.00 Mr. and Mrs. Louis Taylor Wadsworth, Ohio 25.00 Mr. and Mrs. Paul Butti, Sr. Avon, Ohio 10.00 Mrs. Helen Zeffer Wadsworth, Ohio 10.00 Mrs. Sam Garto Wadsworth, Ohio 10.00 Mrs. Esther Bayduk Wadsworth, Ohio 10.00 Bethesda Baptist Church Ladies Aid, Palm Bay 100.00 Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Szabó Boynton Beach, Fla. 10.00 Maria Foo, Yonkers, N.Y. 10.00 Irene Balogh Coral Springs, Fla. 5.00 Mr. and Mrs. John Sebestyén Cleveland Hts., Ohio 50.00 Ladies Guild, First Hungarian Baptist Church, N. Y. City 50.00 Anna Berking Miami Beach, Fla. 5.00 First Baptist Church Garfield, N.J. 50.00 Schaffer Bros. North Bay, Ontario 50.00 Mary Dadich Morgantown, W. Va. 50.00 Mr. and Mrs. Bela Marosi Solon, Ohio 20.00 Timothy Sada Cleveland, Ohio 20.00 Elizabeth Vass Palm Bay, Fla. 10.00