Evangéliumi Hírnök, 1976 (68. évfolyam, 1-24. szám)

1976-04-01 / 7. szám

8. oldal EVANGÉLIUMI HÍENÖK 1976. április 1. being done with our aging residents. These men and women of your Board are fine Christian people and have a passion and dedication for your Home. In addition, they are business oriented, and they work hard to continue the program which God had placed on our hearts. These people work without pay and are available throughout the year for consultation for any problem which may arise. We praise God for giv­ing us such dedicated individuals. Some of the programs that they discussed will be implemented during the next few months. We trust that you will be happy and proud of their decisions. I mentioned before that we had many wonderful friends visiting with us during the months besides the two committees. It is always fine to meet old Christian friends from every sector of our country and Canada. Our Bethesda Home is a mecca for loved ones from everywhere. Visitors included the following: Mr. and Mrs. Ben Balia (Detroit), Judy and John McGowan (Edison, N. J.), Mrs. Susan Stumf, Mrs. Theresa Kish, Mrs. Julius Kish, Mrs. Juila Vangor, Mrs. Rose Soter, Mr. Julius Kish II., Mr. Raymond Lyman, the Fischer family, Mrs. Rose Vetto Dacunto, and Mr. and from the Bridgeport, Conn. area). Mrs. Edwin Kautz and son Tim (all In addition we had visiting with us Mary Slack and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Agnew (Newburgh, N. Y.), and Mrs. Gabor Somogyi and son, Mr. and Mrs. John Burzuk and family (To­ronto, Canada), Mrs. Kerestly's two daughters Lida and Mary, and Mrs. Finnegan who is a neighbor of our beloved Mrs. Ver from Kettering, Ohio. So many of our visitors not only encourage us by their visits but also give of themselves to your Home. Rev. and Mrs. László Ger­­zsenyi presented us with four much needed mattress pads. Mr. and Mrs. Geza Bartha (Cleveland) presented us with bed linens, towels and a very beautiful wrought iron lounge set for our east wing lounge. Mrs. Éllek (Sommerset, N. J.) provided us with ice cream for St. Valen­tine’s Day. Rose Vetto Dacunto (Bridgeport) presented us with two very beautiful large Bibles and a tapestry of the Lord’s Prayer. Our loyal ladies, Mrs. G. Petre, Mrs. A. Vass, Mrs. F. Kovács, Mrs. N. Bo­­dolay, Mrs. E. Muncsan and Mrs G. Bartha have provided us with stuffed cabbage and many pounds of egg noodles for use in our Home. Our list of sustaining contributors is growing monthly. I believe that Gol is blessing us for a reason. We are a missionary arm of the church, and may we all remember that our primary purpose is to win souls for Christ. Some win young souls, while our work is with aging people. May we never shirk this respon­­ibility. As you share with us, we share with our loved ones. Once again God has touched the heart strings of one of our visitors. Mrs. Geza Bartha is following Christ in baptism this very day. You see, we try to tend to not only the physical needs of our residents, but by example we try to tend to their spiritual needs as well. During the month we had two loved ones hospitalized. Mr. John Kautz, Sr. was again taken to the hospital for a chronic ailment. I’m happy to report that he is back home again and feeling much bet­ter. Also, one of our Winter visit­ors, Dr. Paul Vezsenyi (Cobleskill, N. Y.) was hospitalized with a very severe heart attack. I’m happy to report that he too is once again back home and enjoying his stay with us. The Bethesda Baptist Church as well as your Home is making elaborate plans to host the Conven­tion of the Hungarian Baptist Uni­on in July. Your attendance will serve a dual purpose. First, it will give you an opportunity to meet old friends and attend a meeting of people with a Hungarian Baptist heritage, and second it will give you an opportunity to see your Home. We will do everything pos­sible for your comfort. We look forward to seeing as many of you as possible. Won’t you make every effort to attend the Convention of the Hungarian Baptist Union on July 9, 9, 10, 11. We look forward to seeing you. May God bless and keep you. Ernest J. Kish Administrator Vasárnapi iskolai lecke. 1976. ápri­lis 11 .A Megvetett Király. Máté 27:11, 15-23, 27-31. Aranymondat: Máté 27:22. Hétfő, ápr. 5. A vezetők gonosz ter­vei. Máté 26:1-5. Kedd, ápr. 6. Egy asszony tisztelete. Máté 26:6-13. Szerda, ápr. 7. Előkészület a páska ünnepre. Máté 26:14-19. Csüt., ápr. 8. Júdás elárulásra ké­szül. Máté 26:20-25. Péntek, ápr. 9. Az utolsó vacsora. Máté 26:26-29. Szombat, ápr. 10. Az Űr megagadá­­sa felé. Máté 26:30-35. Vas., ápr. 11. Jézus a Getsemáné­­ban. Máté 26:36-46. Vasárnapi iskolai lecke. 1976. ápri­lis 18. A megvetés után feltáma­dás. Máté 28:1-10, 16-20. Aranymondat: Máté 28:19-20. Hétfő, ápr. 12. Péter a sírnál. Ján. 20:1-10. Kedd, ápr. 13. Mária Magdaléna a sír előtt. Ján. 20:11-18. Szerda, ápr. 14. Jézus megjelenikn tanítványainak. Ján. 20:19-23. Csüt., ápr. 15. A hitetlenkedő Ta­más. Ján. 20:24-31. Péntek, ápr. 16. Krisztus nő köve­tői a sírnál. Luk. 24:1-12. Szombat, ápr. 17. Jézus megjelenik két tanítványának. Luk. 24:13-35. Vas., ápr. 18. Jézus ismét megjele­nik. Luk. 24:36-43. Vasárnapi iskolai lecke: 1976. ápri­lis 25. Keresztyén életmód. Kolos­­s'e 3:1-14, 18-20. Aranymondat: Koloss’e 3:14. Vidám elme jó orvosság Little girl’s essay on parents: "The trouble with parents is that they are so old when we get them, it’s hard to change their habits.” ♦ — Nem tud valami jó szert tyúk­szem ellen? — Hol van a tyúkszeme? — A talpamon. — Na hallja, magának óriási sze­rencséje van. Legalább más nem tud rálépni.

