Evangéliumi Hírnök, 1973 (65. évfolyam, 2-24. szám)

1973-02-15 / 4. szám

1973. február 15. EVANGÉLIUMI HÍRNÖK 7. oldal the Home. And then some very in­teresting slides were shown. Our Christmas giving included Love Gift offering and a special offering for the purchase of a new wheel chair for the Home. Dec. 17—42 Voice Choir Presents Christmas Cantata Entitled: Light Out Of Darkness. Preceding the Cantata the Sunday School classes and Junior Choir presented their adoration to the Christ Child in song and verse. Then the "Old Time” Choir members sang Silent Night in Hun­garian much to the delight of the youngsters and to the appreciation of our oldsters. At this time, in the spirit of "It is more blessed to give than to receive,” the whole Sunday School filed up to the front with their special offering which was dedicated to the orphans in Korea. This offering was given by the children instead of having their annual Xmas party. The amount was a generous $78.00. At 11 a.m. just before the choir members took their place in the sanctuary, they were reminded by the Director that the cantata would not be successful or blessed unless each participant would truly mean what he sang and said. And the choir bowed their heads in a prayers of dedication. The response of the worshippers seemed to testify that God was truly glorified. The sanctuary itself gave Glory as it was beautifully and artistically decorated with poinsettias and ever greens. Dec. 24—The Adoration continued with special music by both choirs and a special message by the pastor, “God’s Gift Of Christmas." Dec. 25—Continuation of Christ­mas Spirit in song, prayer, and ser­mon “Where Are The Wise Men.” Dec. 31—New Year Eve Vesper Service was held at 5 p.m. The year was fittingly concluded in the pre­sence of the Lord. We have seen the Christmas "Pageant” re-enacted time and again; we have seen the joyous birth of Jesus in the lives of men and women Munkánknak nem lesz mindig ered­ménye, de eredmény soha nem lesz munka nélkül. throughout the year in our church. It is our wish that "Christ will be more and more at home in your hearts, living within you as you trust in him” (Ephesians 3:17). Submitted by Ruth Stumpf Kish (Mrs. Julius.) PROMOTIONS TO GLORY: This year, among those who went to be with the Lord was an old time faithful servant and a new convert. The "Old Timer” was our happy, friendly brother Joseph Szanto who passed away in Florida in May. Joe was not only spiritually dedicated to the Lord for many years, but he was very mindful of the physical plant of the Lord’s House. After his retirement from his work, he stopped almost every day to make sure things were o!k! at "his church.” He served as a deacon, board member, and trustee for many years. Our new convert was, co-incident­­ally a co-worker of Joe Szanto many years. His name was Stephen Toth. He accepted the Lord in June, 1971, and he and his wife spent the happiest year of their life together witnessing for the Lord. Even at his death bed he smiled, testified for the Lord, and sang the wonderful hymnus he so recently learned. May the Lord fill the great void left in the lives of the loving wives. s BETHÁNIA GYÜLEKEZET, CLEVELAND A gyülekezet, amióta a Buckeye Road-- imatermét eladta, egy ideig egy methodista gyülekezet templo­mában tartotta összejöveteleit. Most, hogy ez a methodista gyülekezet, St. Paul nevű, egyesült egy a Church of God nevű felekczethez tartozó má­sik gyülekezettel, az egyik gyülekezet temploma szabaddá vált, hogy a Bet­­hánia gyülekezet használatba vehes­se, egyelőre bérbe. A bérlet egy évre szól, 1973. dec. 31-ig. Azután alkalmasint lehetővé válik, hogy a Bethánia gyülekezet a templomot megvegye. A templom a Woodland és 127. (East) utca sarkán van. Jól felsze­relt épület, szép hangú síp-orgonával, nagy alagsori helyiséggel, konyhával, vasárnapi iskolai termekkel. A gyü­lekezet nagy reménységgel várja a Magyarországról jövő lelkipásztort. A kilátás az, hogy a nyár folyamán itt lesz. A jelenlegi gyülekezeti veze­tő Dr Haraszti Sándor testvér, ta­nácsadó-lelkipásztor. Képünk (Dr. Kovács Vilmos test­vér felvétele) a január 14-i Istentisz­teletről távozó testvéreket mutatja. V BETHESDA OTTHON Palm Bayben, az Otthonban nem csak élnek idős, gondozott bentla­kóink, hanem örülnek is. Örülnek az étkezési időben, örülnek az Istentisz­telet idején a Bethesda Gyülekezet­ben és örülnek különleges alkalmak­kor. Alábbi képünk 1972. november havában készült Molnár Balázs gond­nok testvér beiktatása alkalmával, a beiktatás utáni társas estélyen. A kép későn érkezett, de a mosoly nem tűnt el az arcokról. BETHESDA BAPTIST HOME CONTRIBUTONS DECEMBER, 1972 Wadsworth Ladies Aid $ 30.00 Anna Hess 5.00 Mr. and Mrs. Beres 30.00

