Evangéliumi Hirnök, 1958 (50. évfolyam, 2-24. szám)
1958-03-15 / 6. szám
1958 MÁRCIUS 15. EVANGÉLIUMI HÍRNÖK 5-IK OLDAL SUNDAY SCHOOL CORNER Mrs. M. Major The Unfolding Of The Kindergarten Child’s Life (Third In Series) THE “MUST” OF TEACHING THE NECESSITY of the teaching ministry was well discussed in one of our church school lessons several weeks ago. It helped me to visualize an open church door through which children, young people and adults enter. Why do people go to church anyway? Well, some say they go to worship the Lord and sing His praises. That is right and is important. But how can anyone worship intelligently at our services and live a Christ-like life in this world of temptations and problems without proper training and teaching? Millions are attending places of worship and yet fail in their daily lives. People may have religion reality. It seems to me that there is a real need for a more and stronger Christian teaching ministry. In his great Commission Jesus instructs His disciples to teach “them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you.” (Matt. 28:20). So the need of teaching was great even in the estimation of the Perfect Teacher. As we read our Bible we find that long before Jesus came to this world in the flesh, God through Moses commanded the Jewish people to teach their children. It was very essential indeed. In Leviticus 10:11 we read: “. . . that ye may teach the children of Israel all the statutes which the Lord hath spoken unto them by the hand of Moses”. You see, this includes not only the children, or young people, but all. In our language of today, this would mean that no one should ever outgrow the Sunday school, or the study and teaching of the Word of God. Another emphasis on this subject of teaching and learning is found in Deut. 4:10: “Gather me the people together and I will make them hear my words, that they may learn to fear me all the days that they shall live upon the earth and that they may teach their children.” No, teaching should never cease. But what about teachers? We just have to have them. God selected Moses for one through whom He made his will known to others. As Moses was an instrument in His hand, He wants men and women today also to be used in this work of teaching. It is true that there was only one Moses in the Old Testament, but there were many other teachers through those centuries Jehovah used. All the Patriarchs, and priests and prophets and other men and women were teachers more or less. Ezra is an outstanding example among them. “For Ezra had prepared his heart to seek the law of the Lord and to do it and to teach in Israel statutes and judgements.” (Ezra 7:10). You can easily sense the idea of consecration in the above. We not only need teachers, but we need consecrated persons who are willing to prepare themselves. Trained people are needed everywhere. Of course we do not have to be professors or such, but some fundamental preperation is a A BÖJTI időszak némely névleges keresztyén csoport meghunyászkodó időszaka. Szép, nagyon szép a külsőnek bemutatott szokásos ragaszkodás, de az Ur Jézus Krisztus nem időszerű, darabos jóságot, hűséget és akarást kíván; nem egy néhány napig tartó egyházias hitbeli buzgólkodást, hanem egy mindigtartó, állandó komoly életet. Az Istennel való boldog viszonyunkat gyönyörűen illusztrálja a boldog házastársak egymásközötti viszonya. Azok igazi hűséget fogadnak egymásnak s nem csak negyven napig, hanem egész életen át szeretik, tisztelik és becsülik egymást. Vagy vegyük a munkaadó és a munkás közötti helyzetet. Ugy-e, ha csak 40 napig, vagy egy rövid ideig tartja meg hűségét s azután becsapja, megcsalja, nem sokáig tartják munkában. Vagy vegyük az ország “must”. Our Lord’s work deserves the best. Some has quaintly or even rudely said: “God spoke through an ass only once.” (Nu. 22:28-30). However spiritual mindedness is an indispensible requirement in a Christian teacher. Only the Holy Spirit can supply this quality in anyone’s life. When Jesus needed teachers He called certain men, taught them, prepared them. Another name for “disciple” is “learner.” Only after they have learned from the great Teacher have they become “apostles” which mean “sent-ones.” Well do I remember some of the happy faces that came to learn and prepare themselves in some of our training classes. With their Spiritfilled eagerness they went to work and results followed. It vas never too easy to find the proper materials for the teaching ministry. It is certainly not easy now. They were scarse even in Jesus’ time, “the harvest truly is plenteous, but the laborers are few”, He said. At the same time He pointed out the always available recourse: prayer, God. “Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest.” (Matt. 9:37). és polgárai viszonyát egymáshoz. — Nem az a jó polgár, akinek meg van polgár levele, mert törvényesen beiktatták a polgárok sorába, hanem az, aki polgári kötelességeit igazán törekszik teljesiteni! így állunk az isteni szolgálatban Istennel való viszonyunkban is. Az Ur a keresztyénektől elvárja az igazi hűséget nem csak a böjti időben, vagy ünnepnapokon, hanem az életnek minden napjában. “Ha valaki én utánam akar jönni, tagadja meg magát és vegye fel az ő keresztjét mindennap, és kövessen engem.” Lk. 9:23. Elveszítette létjogosultságát az a keresztyénség, mely az évnek csak bizonyos szakában, vagy egyes napokon szolgálja az Istent. Böjtben, ünnepnapokon az Istennek, s azokon kívül az ördögnek szolgál. Két urnák nem lehet! Mt. 6:24. Campbell Bulletin. A BÖJT