Kiss József Mihály - Szögi László - Ujváry Gábor: Az Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem Levéltára, Repertórium 1635-1975 - Fejezetek az Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem történetéből 10. (Budapest, 1988)

Eötvös Loránd University Archive

411 Eötvös Loránd University Archive Loránd Eötvös University of Budapest is the oldest per­manently working university of Hungary. Hungarian universities founded in the 14-15th centuries ceased to exist for various reasons and the new university was founded as late as 1635. It was Péter Pázmány, Archibishop of Esztergom, who founded the University in Nagyszombat (now: Trnava, Czechoslovakia) ar\d he put it under the care of Desuits. At the beginning the university had two faculties: Philosophy and Theology. The Faculty of Law was set up in 1667. In the second half of the 18th century, after the dissolution of the Order of Desuits the university got under state control and in 1769 with the foundation of the Medical Faculty it became an university with a classical structure having four faculties. In 1777 it moved from Nagyszombat to the capital Budapest where it has been working ever since. It had no essential changes in its internal structure until 1949, but during that time it became a famous university of Central Europe as one of the most significant centres of Hungarian scientific life. The brief summary of its history was published in English, German and Russian languages, as well, on the 350th anniversary of its existence in 1985. The structure of the faculties changed after 1949, when the Faculty of Sciences was founded but the Faculty of Theology and the Medical Faculty formed two independent universities. Another faculty, the Teachers" Training College (Pedagogical Faculty), was founded in 1983, so at present the university has 4 faculties. Many of the members of those nationalities, which lived in the territory of our country earlier, were students at the university, so its historical sources are important for the research workers of the neighbouring countries as well. Un­fortunately, the major part of the records of our university hasn't completely been left to us. The sources of the Desuitical period were scattered and now they can be found in various collections. A thematic repertory has been made about these sources in which the sources of the university, stored in other libraries and archives, are listed. A part of our records was burnt up in the National Archives in 1956. The University Archive was established in 1958, then it became special archives in 1983. Nowadays there are 10 university archives in Hungary. A list of 550 metres of records, stored in our archive is given in this volume in the order of the fonds and divisions. Other well-arranged records of the former faculties of medicine and theology stored by other institutes are separately listed in the repertory's appendix. The sequence of numbers isn't continuous because we have left some groups of numbers for the records of chairs and institutes empty, which will be collected later. Here we list the headings of 64 fonds and the terminations of the records, which are stored by our archive.

