Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem Természettudományi Karának ülései, 1963-1964 (HU ELTEL 11.a.7.)

1963. december 19. kari tanácsülés

Braun Tibor tudományos dolgozatainak jegyzéke T. Braun: Rate of the reaction as analytical indicator in the case of catalysed systems and the application of this phenomenon in quantitative analysis Revista de Chimie /Bucharest/ 5_, 31Я /1954/ in roumanian Cf. Chemical Abstracts 53> 5007 h 1959 T» Braun: Catalymetrio analysis II. The effect of chelation on talytic activity Revista de Chimie /Bucharest/ £, 252 /1955/ In roumanian Cf. Chemical Abstracts 52_, 19672 g 1958 T, Braun: Catalymetric analysis III. The determination of traces of vanadium and copper Revista de Chimie' /Bucharest/ 8, 375 /1955/ In roumanian Cf. uhemical Abstracts 52, 19672 h 1953 T. Braun: Catalymetrio analysis IT. The phenomenon of coupled ca­talysis Revista de Chimie 8, 43 /1957/ In roumanian Cf. Chemical Abstracts 52_, 959 о 1958 T. Braun: Application of catalysis inhibition /anticatalysis/ in analytical chemistry Magyar Kémiai Folyóirat /Budapest, Hungary/ 6^3, 39 /1957/ In hungarian Cf. Chemical abstracts 5£, 14410 a 1958 T. Braun - VI. Blazsek: Interaction between amino acids on chromatograms. The study of glycine-glutamic acid mixtures by means of circular paper ohromatography Farmacia /Buoharest/'6, 53 /1958/ In roumanian Cf. Chemical Abstracts 52, 14741 i 1958

