Az Egri Ho Si Minh Tanárképző Főiskola Tud. Közleményei. 1987. (Acta Academiae Paedagogicae Agriensis : Nova series ; Tom. 18/10)

Kelemen Imre: Zenetanítás az egri érseki tanítóképzőben III. rész (1920-1939)

- 3 - í KELEMEN IMRE ZENETANÍTÁS AZ EGRI ÉRSEKI TANÍTÓKÉPZŐBEN III. RÉSZ (1920-1939) Abstract: (Music education in the Teacher's training - college of the Arcbishopric of Eger). This paper is a part of a dissertation in which the writer discusses the history of the instruction in music from 1828 in the Teacher's training-college of the Arcbischopric of Eger (Egri Érseki Tanítóképző). The first part of this dissertation was published in the volume XVI. of the next scolarly work: "Ho Si Minh Tanárképző Főiskola Tudományos Közleményei" (pages 363-374) and the second part of this one in the volume XVIII. (pages 591-603). From 1921 to 1939 three teacher of music was followed one after the other. Imre Meiszner educated to 1930. During his activity the studiing time was increased for five years which did not mean any changing in the subject - matter of music instruction but produced the possibility of the development. The next was Antal Kóbor, who was followed from 1933 by the young intelligent Dezső Bitter who renewed the music education and inside this he was who modernized the subject - matter of instruction of the Roman Catholic cantor education. On the basis of his activity he gave place to Bartók, Kodály and other Hungarian composer's works in addition to the Gregorian Chants and Renaissance choral works in the repertory of the choir. 1. A képzési idő felemelése A VKM. 7041/1920-as rendelete az 1920/21-es tanévtől kezdődően tervezte a hat évfolyamú képzés bevezetését. Ebből következően a rendelet, egyebek közt az új I. osztály tantervi előírásait is tartalmazta egyenlőre még

