Az Egri Pedagógiai Főiskola Évkönyve. 1958. (Acta Academiae Paedagogicae Agriensis ; Tom. 4)

I. Tanulmányok a nevelés és az oktatás kérdéseiről - Dr. Berencz János: A nevelés társadalmi funkciója Dickens regényeiben

lati vonatkozású. Nézetünk szerint Dickens annyiban egy vágányon halad Mil­tonnal, hogy a klasszikusok öncélú (az ő korában erősen eznobista jellegű) kultusza és a rideg grammatizálás ellen szólalnak fel mindketten. Vö. legújab­ban: LUTTERTri'bor: John Milton, az angol polgári forradalom költője. Bp. Akad. kiad. 1956. 31—32. 1. BERENCZ JÁNOS: The social function of education in the dickensian romans The autor analyses first — in a chronological order — some of the principal works of Dickens, from a marxist pedagogical point of view. He takes especially in consideration the economical and political status of contemporary England, the formation of Chartism, — which all reflect, in a particular manner, the pedagogical views of the great writer. The second part of his study requests the emotional sources of Dickens, mean­while it gives a criticism of the bourgeois sociology of literature and psychoanalysis concerning the oeuvre of Dickens. The most deepest realistic pedagogical idea of dickensian —• romans is perhaps in the fact, that his child-heroes generally find a convenient collectivity of love neither in the family, nor in their schools and institutes, under the conditions of XIX® century capitalism. After characterising the pedagogical sides of the dickensian method of repre­sentation the study ends with some historico-pedagogical remarks refferring to some progressive ancestors of the pedagogical thoughts of Dickens. (For instance, the English democratical and humanistic pedagogh of the Renaissance, Milton. Owen.) 8* 65

