Az Eszterházy Károly Tanárképző Főiskola Tudományos Közleményei. 1993. Sectio Mathematicae. (Acta Academiae Paedagogicae Agriensis : Nova series ; Tom. 21)

Zay Béla: A Fibonacci szósorozatok egy általánosítása

ZAY BÉLA A FIBONACCI SZÓSOROZATOK EGY ÁLTALÁNOSÍTÁSA 4 Abstract (A generalization of the Fibonacci word-sequences) . In [3] J. C. Turner introduced the Fibonacci word-sequences and used for the investigation of binary sequences. Such a sequence is, e.g. The word-sequence F(0,10)= 0; 10; 010; 10010; 01010010; ... where the word (m> 2) is constructed by writing the (w-l) 1* 1 word after the (n- 2) one and the initial words are 0 and 10. In this squence the position of the /1 t h one determine the n 0 1 Wythoff pair which was investigated by J. G. Turner [4]. Also a Fibonacci word­sequence is the so colled "papal sequence" which was investigated by P. M. Higgins [1] who has given several algoritms for the construction of this sequence. In this paper we investigate the generalization of these word-sequences. * A dolgozat az OTKA1641 sz. pályázat támogatásával készült 41

