Az Eszterházy Károly Tanárképző Főiskola Tudományos Közleményei. 2007. Sectio Scientarium Economicarum et Socialium. (Acta Academiae Agriensis : Nova series ; Tom. 34)

Szlávik János: Versenyképesség - fenntartható régió

SZLÁVIK JÁNOS* Versenyképesség - fenntartható régió Competitiveness - sustainable region According to the criteria of sustainable development regions are competitive if they can take advantage of nature and organize their economy and society while they can insure their continuance for several generations that, is they do not undermine their life-supporting physical and social systems. Natural capital is converted into economic capital by taking into consideration the laws of renewal and they can insure at least the same level of welfare for the future generations living in the region as that of the present generation. 1 The above-mentioned aspects of competitiveness are difficult to apprehend be­cause of the complexity and the time problem. Even the character and content of the current competitiveness indicators make the situation more difficult. In my lecture I show the economic theoretical contexts of the distorted measurement. Several governmental and non-governmental organizations have concentrated on elaboration, testing and evaluation of the indicators of sustainable development. In this field the organizations of the UN carried out outstanding activity. The UN specified 141 indicators for monitoring sustainable local and subre­gional development. Global comparisons are based on national data, mainly on tra­ditionally collected statistics. In the interest of the more precise and more relevant data at local level, national data are decomposed. Data gained with this method can be used limited at local (municipal) level, since they were not collected and devel­oped for the local decision-makers. If a local community really aims at sustainable planning the economic, social and environmental processes it has to carry out by itself the elements of feedback relevant to its own demand. However, in general, this data collection and compilation are not realized, and it involves the risk that the competitiveness of the region stagnates, its cohesion dimin­ishes. Szlávik János DSc., egyetemi tanár, Eszterházy Károly Főiskola, Gazdaságtudományi Inté­zet; Budapesti Műszaki és Gazdaságtudományi Egyetem, Közgazdaságtudományok Intézet, Környezetgazdaságtan Tanszék 1 On the basis of the definition of Donella and Dennis Meadows and Our Common Future (UN Report)

