Diakonia - Evangélikus Szemle, 1983

1983 / 2. szám - Summary

DIAKONIA Lutheran Review Summary The present number of our Lutheran Review mostly consists of articles deal­ing with Luther’s 500. birthday. Bishop Gyula Nagy treats of God’s rule in two realms. This principle by Luther has been misunderstood many ways. The essence of this doctrine is that God responds to the sin of man in two ways: one of them is Law, by this He protects the life of creation and by the Gospel by which He recre­ates the world of mankind and leads humankind to fulness. The main means of God’s rule in all people are reason and moral law of conscience. Luther’s explanation of the first article may give an important help for believers to have a good orientation in the tasks of church as well as of world today. Walter Mostert professor in Zurich, a Luther-scholar gives a picture in a wide context on the connections bet­ween humanists and the Reformer at the same time he points to the oppo­site views too. The mutual idea was a realization of man’s freedom, how to realize the actual human persona­lity. The humanists were seeking for this in the activity of human reason (isolated from the unity of personal­ity), Luther looked for that outside of the human being: in Jesus Christ, the incarnated God and found it in faith which gives the reality of free human being. Zsuzsa Urbach art historian publishes an unknown picture to the readers of LR. This has 'been preserved in the old picture-gallery of the Museum of Bine Arts. The picture represents the earli­est type of illustration of Luther’s teaching, a composition known as „Fall and Redemption” and „Law and Gos­pel”. On the basis of style-critics rese­arch she took the place of origin in North or West Germany, a territory influenced by the old great tradition of painting in the Netherlands. She analyses the contemporary reliquies of this type and traces the origin to the medieval typological features and at Publication of the Lutheran Church in Hungary Responsible Editor: Dr. Zoltán Káldy Editor: Imre Veöreös Editorial and Publishing Office: H—1088 Budapest, Puskin u. 12. Subscriptions to above address Published every six months Annual subscription 110,— Forints the same time she disregard the prob­lems of „man on crossroad”. Elemér Sulyok OSB theological pro­fessor on the Benedictine Theological School in Pannonhalma outlines Lu­ther’s principle of church as he looks at it from a Roman Catholic point of view today, on the occasion of Luther’s jubilee. In his article he deals with the „One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic Church” from historical and theologi­cal points of view. The present divi­sion of Christ’s church is a sin com­mitted by the church which is holy on the basis of His mercy; i. e. the church is true and sinful at the same time. The catholic character of the church means faithfullness to the di­vine revelation. The apostolicity puts a question to each church today: which church does the fullness of content of faith deriving from the apostles pre­serve better? Pastor Károly Hafenscher doctor of theology, a member of the Lutheran- Roman Catholic Joint Commission gives an account of the ten year work of the Commission. This Commission was appointed by the Secretariat for Promoting Christian Unity in Rome and by the Lutheran World Federation in 1973 in order to conduct a dialogue between the two denominations on a top level. In his article the author summarizes the results of the various sessions and the two statements of great importance: The statement on the occasion of Martin Luther’s 500. birthday (Martin Luther, Witness to Jesus Christ) and the statement on the 450th anniversary of Confessio Augustana: All under one Christ. He lists the various publications: The Eucharist; The Ministry; Ways to Unity. He introduces the three chan­nels of the work in the Joint Com­mission: study work, mutual infor­mation and spiritual enrichment. Besides the papers reviewed above a Table of Contents may also be found in English and German.

