Csendes Percek, 1980 (28. évfolyam, 1-6. szám)

1980-01-01 / 1. szám

HUNGARIAN EDITION OF THE UPPER ROOM VOLUME XXVIII No. 163 JANUARY — FEBRUARY Editor: Rev. László (Leslie) Dienes C.P. 5. R.R. 2. Lac Notre Dame Montfort, Cte. Argenteuil. Queb. JOT 1Y0 — Telephone: 5 1 4—2 2 6- 6 095 Publisher and business manager: Rev. L. Vietorisz, 1293 Castlehill Crescent — Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K2C 2B2 Telephone: (613) 224-4583 The subscription rate is $4.00 per year. Information for special rates is available at publisher. Single copies are 75 cents each. Subscription and any change of name and address should be sent to the publisher. Second class mail registration number: 2159.

