Strana - 85

T. Mušnjak, The protection of archival material in war conditions, Arh. vjesn., god. 37 (1994) str. 79-86 for the injured begin with saving of material. Depending on consequences growing out of the situation one should make a decision about shifting of saved materials to another place: for instance one of parts of archive which was not damaged in the attack or some other place which proves more safe in the present situation-not one of them, but many more must be planned in advance. On the occasion of saving and evacuation one should begin with the most valuable record groups and collections. Teams working on this job must be provided with precise instructions in relation to an order of saving and evacuation. Such order must be determined for every repository in order to get job done in the absence of a curator (the presence of a curator is obligatory, but when something happens to her or him, the existence of these plans will enable the correct procedure for people who know less about repositories). Such plans are very important considering saving of wet documents which includes drying and freezing in case of soaking of big amounts of documents and hence drying and freezing will be limited by capacities of freezing chambers, kilns and disposable places for natural drying. It is intention of these instructions to give basic information about possibilities of saving to people who will work on saving of material in the case of war destruction and to give a few practical advices how to cope with certain situations emerging in this job. Huge majority of these people is not educated for the job in such situations, and only a few of them will be specialized for the preservation and the restoration of material at the disposal. Many of them will not have possibility to save by freezing method or by the artificial drying in kilns, or to disinfect. These methods are also described here in order to serve when possibilities do exist. All institutions and individuals who will be in charge of saving of material (archives, museums, vestries etc.) have to know addresses and names of people which can be asked for help in particular situation or for the explanation of details. They all have to know that the evacuation of material into unsuitable and wet places can do damage which is equal to that which was made in war destruction. Sažetak ZAŠTITA ARHIVSKE GRAĐE U RATNIM UVJETIMA Upute za zaštitu arhivske građe u ratnim uvjetima nastale su u ljeto 1991. godine kada se u napadima jugovojske na Hrvatsku već počinjao nazirati njihov surov i rušilački karakter. U Uputama je težište stavljeno na one aktivnosti koje osiguravaju fizičko-tehničku zaštitu građe te njezino spašavanje u slučaju požara, močenja i zatrpavanja u ruševinama. 85

