Calvin Synod Herald, 2016 (117. évfolyam, 1-12. szám)
2016-01-01 / 1-2. szám
CALVIN SYNOD HERALD ISSN 0161-6900 -----------------------\ Official Organ of The Calvin Synod - United Church of Christ Founded in 1900 AMERIKAI MAGYAR REFORMÁTUSOK LAPJA VOL. CXVII JANUARY- FEBRUARY 2016 NO. 1-2 IN THIS ISSUE: Good Samaritan - Rt. Rev. Koloman Karl Ludwig.......2 I am the Life - SMT..........................................................3 An Urgent Gospel for a Troubled World -David B. Bowman.............................................................5 Special Evangelism Service at the First Hungarian Reformed Church of Walton Hills - Beata Krasznai....6 "For I know the plans I have for you" - Joel Shigo......6 Meditation for the New Year - Alexander Jalso.............7 Congregational Appreciation Luncheon James Balias.....................................................................8 New Website of the First Hungarian Reformed Church -Rt. Rev. Dr. Csaba Krasznai............................................8 A word for those of us "past our times" - sent to us by Pearl Vásárhelyi...............................................................9 Manville Reformed Church 100th Anniversary -Joyce Burján......................................................................9 Calvin Synod Homeland and Overseas Mission.......10 Upcoming events............................................................10 Change of address form.................................................10 "Én azért jöttem..." - Ludwig Kálmán Károly, püspök..11 Csata a Bibliáért? - Rév. Viktor Tóth............................12 Az én Miatyánkom - Dr. Papp Lajos............................16 Alkonyati séta a Bakonyban (2 vers) - Nagy Bálint.... 17 Order Blank - Megrendelőlap........................................17 Hirdetések............................................................18-19-20 1Wishing you a kiessed, (Peacefuí and a Happy Hew dear! Áldásokban gazdag, békés, és boldog újévet kívánunk] A