Calvin Synod Herald, 2014 (115. évfolyam, 1-12. szám)
2014-01-01 / 1-2. szám
2 CALVIN SYNOD HERALD calvin LIIIDAI n SYNOD litrj/ALU Official Organ of The Calvin Synod - United Church of Christ Founded in 1900 AMERIKAI MAGYAR REFORMÁTUSOK LAPJA Volume 115 JANUARY - FEBRUARY 2014 NO. 1 - 2 Official Organ of the Calvin Synod United Church of Christ - Founded in 1900 CALVIN SYNOD HERALD (ISSN 0161-6900) is published bi-monthly for $15.00/year for individual subscriptions; $10.00/yearfor groups; 50 or more copies. Please make checks payable to the Calvin Synod Herald Editor in Chief: Rt. Rev. Bela Poznan, Bishop 79 Birchwood Drive • Fairfield, CT 06430 Tel.: 203-259-6392; FAX: 203-255-0713 e-mail: Co-Editor: Rev. Stefan M. Torok 68 Cherrywood Drive • Somerset, NJ 08873 Tel.: 732-917-4566 e-mail: Co-Editor: Rev. Joseph Vásárhelyi 220 Fourth Street • Passaic, NJ 07055 Tel.: 973-778-1019 • Fax: 973-778-1026 e-mail: Business Manager: Wilburn A. Roby Jr. 264 Old Plank Road • Butler, PA 16002 e-mail: Newsletters prepared by: Cathy Paksi 419-733-5829 • Newsletters printed by: Gazette Printers 724-349-3434 Periodicals postage paid at Butler, PA POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: CALVIN SYNOD HERALD 264 Old Plank Rd., Butler, PA 16002-3810 Manuscripts and photographs are not preserved or returned. Send all correspondence to the Editor. The views and opinions of the writers are their own and do not necessarily represent the position of the magazine or Calvin Synod. CALVIN SYNOD HEADQUARTERS: Rt. Rev. Bela Poznan 79 Birchwood Drive • Fairfield, CT 06430 Telephone: 203-259-6392; e-mail: OFFICIAL COMMUNICATIONS Vacancies Beaver Falls, PA Columbus, OH Dayton, OH Kalamazoo, Ml Norwalk, CT The proper procedure is for all interested ministers to send their completed PROFILE (as provided by the United Church of Christ) to the Bishop’s office at Rt. Rev. Béla Póznán 79 Birchwood Drive • Fairfield, CT 06430 Questions may be directed by telephone to 203-259-6392 CONGREGATIONAL and CALVIN SYNOD NEWS Third Avenue Calvin Reformed Church 1012 3rd Avenue Beaver Falls, Pa. 15010 Rev. Imre Bertalan Wilburn A Roby Jr. Ms. Arlene Csornán Supply Pastor Lay Minister Chief Elder 724-238-2235 724-285-8851 724-846-4986 Chief Elder's Report Third Avenue Calvin Reformed Church has a very small congregation. Even though we are small, we are dedicated to our church and its mission to serve God. On November 3, 2013 we celebrated our 105th Anniversary. We wanted to pay homage to those Hungarian immigrants who established this church; indeed, before they built their own homes. We thank God for our sister congregations, who came to worship with us. To see our church pews filled and over-flowing with our friends and family was incredible. We had representation from: First Hungarian Reformed Church of Pittsburgh, PA. First Hungarian Reformed Church of Homestead, PA. Free Hungarian Reformed Church of McKeesport, PA. Hungarian Reformed Church of Duquesne, PA. Hungarian Reformed Church of Fairport Harbor, OH. West Side Hungarian Reformed Church of Cleveland, OH. First Hungarian Reformed Church of Walton Hills, OH. The Hungarian Reformed Church of Forain, OH. Bethlen Communities, Ligonier, PA. William Penn Association, Pittsburgh, PA. Reverend Csaba Krasznai, Auxiliary Bishop of Calvin Synod and Pastor of Walton Hills First Hungarian Reformed Church delivered an encouraging message. We were enamored by his eloquent presentation. Bishop Bela Poznan sent us a congratulatory letter from Hungary, which was very gracious. Reverend Joseph Posta, who once served our congregation, represented the Hungarian Reformed Church of Duquesne, Vintondale and Springdale. He has demonstrated great leadership by serving these small congregations faithfully. It was inspiring to see these ministers from our Hungarian churches take part in the service. Reverend Albert Kovács, from Figonier, who serves Johnstown Hungarian Reformed Church. Reverend Ilona Komjáthy, who serves the Pittsburgh First Hungarian Reformed Church. Reverend Judith Tobias, who serves the Homestead First Hungarian Reformed Church. Reverend Peter Toth, from the First Hungarian Reformed Church of Forain suffered a catastrophic injury to his arm. He continues to lead his congregation and inspires us all to continue to operate in any adversity for the Kingdom of God. Reverend Daniel Borsay, who also continues to preach and