Calvin Synod Herald, 2012 (113. évfolyam, 1-12. szám)
2012-01-01 / 1-2. szám
2 CALVIN SYNOD HERALD CALVIN LtHDAI n SYNOD ntn/VLL' Official Organ of The Calvin Synod - United Church of Christ Founded in 1900 AMERIKAI MAGYAR REFORMÁTUSOK LAPJA Volume 113 JANUARY - FEBRUARY Number 1 - 2 Official Organ of the Calvin Synod United Church of Christ - Founded in 1900 CALVIN SYNOD HERALD (ISSN 0161-6900) is published bi-monthly for $15.00/year for individual subscriptions; $10.00/yearfor groups; 50 or more copies. Please make checks payable to the Calvin Synod Herald Editor in Chief: Rt. Rev. Bela Poznan, Bishop 79 Birchwood Drive • Fairfield, CT 06430 Tel.: 203-259-6392; FAX: 203-255-0713 e-mail: Co-Editor: Rev. Stefan M. Torok 68 Cherrywood Drive • Somerset, NJ 08873 Tel.: 732-917-4566 e-mail: Co-Editor: Rev. Joseph Vásárhelyi 220 Fourth Street • Passaic, NJ 07055 Tel.: 973-778-1019 • Fax: 973-778-1026 e-mail: Business Manager: Wilburn A. Roby Jr. 264 Old Plank Road • Butler, PA 16002 e-mail: Newsletters prepared by: Cathy Paksi 419-733-5829 • Newsletters printed by: Gazette Printers 724-349-3434 Periodicals postage paid at Butler, PA POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: CALVIN SYNOD HERALD 264 Old Plank Rd„ Butler, PA 16002-3810 Manuscripts and photographs are not preserved or returned. Send all correspondence to the Editor. The views and opinions of the writers are their own and do not necessarily represent the position of the magazine or Calvin Synod. CALVIN SYNOD HEADQUARTERS: Rt. Rev. Bela Poznan 79 Birchwood Drive • Fairfield, CT 06430 Telephone: 203-259-6392; e-mail: OFFICIAL COMMUNICATIONS Vacancies: Beaver Falls, PA Bridgeport, CT Columbus, OH Dayton, OH Kalamazoo, Ml The proper procedure is for all interested ministers to send their completed PROFILE (as provided by the United Church of Christ) to the Bishop’s office at Rt. Rev. Béla Póznán 79 Birchwood Drive • Fairfield, CT 06430 Questions may be directed by telephone to 203-259-6392 CONGREGATIONAL and CALVIN SYNOD NEWS Church News from Woodbridge, New Jersey The joyous Christmas holidays have passed, and we look forward to the New Year. Our Holidays services were well attended. The Church was beautifully decorated by Poinsettia plants, donated by our members. On December 1st, we had visited the Woodbridge Developmental Center (housing physically and mentally challenged people) with Christmas carols, and turned over our gifts to them. This is one of our major mission projects during the year. On December 18th, following our worship service we gathered for a church family Christmas fellowship singing some Christmas carols and sharing our love. Christmas Eve, the Church was filled with worshippers, desiring to welcome the Messiah, the Savior into their lives. On Christmas day, even though Church attendance was smaller, Holy Communion was observed. We were happy to welcome back our former pastor, the Rev. Albert W. Kovács, who assisted with Holy Communion. On January 1 st, we welcomed in the New Year, chartering a new spiritual course through the Word of God. We wish everyone a Happy New Year. Rev. Stefan M. Torok ORDER BLANK - MEGRENDELŐLAP Please send all subscription orders and address changes to: Wilburn A. Roby Jr. 264 Old Plank Rd. Butler, PA 16002 e-mail: war a i r(a Please enter my subscription for the Calvin Synod Herald. Megrendelem a Reformátusok lapját. ( ) for one year or____years ($15.00 per year) ( ) egy évre vagy____ évre ($15.00 évente) Payment enclosed / Előfizetés mellékelve $___________ ( ) Renewal ( ) New Subscription ( ) Change of address only — (Please attach old label) Name............................................................................................ Address........................................................................................ City, State, Zip............................................................................