Calvin Synod Herald, 1999 (99. évfolyam, 2-4. szám - 100. évfolyam, 9-12. szám)
1999-03-01 / 2. szám
VOL. XCIX. MARCH-APRIL, 1999 NUMBER 2. „A múlt erős, gazdag gyökér, jelen, jövő a múltból él...,Arany János.. The PAST is a rich and strong hidden source, from it PRESENT, FUTURE obtains life and force!" Rembrandt’s etching, known as THE THREE CROSSES, shows Jesus between the thieves in a downpour of light, which illuminates the main figures, including the Virgin Mary, while the rest of the world pulls away into darkness. Rembrandt rajza: A HÁROM KERESZT. Jézus a két lator között a fény özöny sugárzásában. Jobb oldal közepén, Máriával, a világ két oldalon fekete sötétségbe zsugorodik. \ In an Old Calvin Church Our pastor is a clever, old wizard, Twenty years ago, he was the same. Our church is a simple Calvin church, No altar in it with fancy frame. The text is still Lord Jesus, fust as it was twenty years back: “The Lord’s body was broken, The Lord’s body was broken, And His precious blood was shed!” I roamed all over with vagabond zest: Travelled by rail, by boat, by all. But no church saw me long time ago In such prostrate mood as this, at all. How I wish I could now break out in laugh, When the clock is two decades turned back: “The Lord’s body is broken, The Lord's body is broken, And His precious blood was shed!” Faithful ones, bowed in honest awe, Hearkened around me in aisles wide and long. And / myself, who just could not laugh, Was carried on unseen wings - all along. After twenty years of roaming wide and far, I humbly returned when the Amen was said: “The Lord’s body was broken The Lord's body was broken, And His precious blood was shedl” V______________________/ fi meri kai Magyar Reformátusok Lapja Official Organ Of The Calvin Synod - United Church of Christ --------------------------------- Founded in 1900 --------------------------------COLVIN SYNOD HEROLD