Calvin Synod Herald, 1998 (98. évfolyam, 1-6. szám)
1998-01-01 / 1. szám
CALVIN SYNOD HERALD- 2 -AMERIKAI MAGYAR REFORMÁTUSOK LAPJA *8§f (.». le Vi'» ü s m ^ The Calvin Synod Herald Wishes a Happy New Year to All Our Readers OUR MAGYAR SYNOD S MOTTO: Trttdítíons-embmdng FAITH fhmt the PAST, forvmtHOPE for us in the PRESENT, in LOVEs service from die FUTURE! DAYTON, OHIO - On November 23rd, the congregation elected the Rev. Gabor Nitsch as their Pastor. The Chief Elder, Mr. John Schwab, of our Dayton Church, departed this life on November 18th. The Bishop sent the Synod’s condolences to the congregation and to Mrs. Schwab. GARY, INDIANA - The Rev. Dr. László Kovács resigned from the pastorate of our Gary Church on November 19th. Dr. Géza Erdélyi, Bishop of the Reformed Church in Slovakia, attended our Labor Day Meetings in Ligonier. The Synod sent $2,500 to the Church in Slovakia. Synod's Vacant Pulpits Bridgeport, CT Gary, IN Norridge, IL Kalamazoo, Ml Those interested in applying for these positions are asked to contact the Bishop. CORRECTION! - In our former issue, we published the English translation of Gyula lllyes’s On Seeing the Reformation Monument in Geneva, which appeared in original Hungarian in our former two Issues. Under the title the misprint was ‘by Fr. John Wilkinson’, which should have correctly read ‘Tr. (translation) by John Wilkinson. OUR ANNUAL SYNOD MEETING MAY 11-14, 1998 -LIGONIER, PA At the Ramada Inn The Annual Constitutional Meeting of the Calvin Synod Conference of the United Church of Christ, will be held from the 11 of May to the 14th, Ligonier, PA. This is the meeting of our congregations with legislative, administrative and jurisdictional powers invested in our Synod for the benefit of all local congregations. This year’s meeting will again be an historical meeting with a very important and heavy agenda, including the election of members of the Synodical Council for the next three years. The Synodical Council will have a preparation meeting on March 23-25th, 1998. The four classes will be called by their deans for the constitutional Spring meetings before the Synod’s Annual Meeting. □CO The Denominational Statistical Reports will be mailed to our congregations shortly. We ask that the reports be filled out as soon as possible and returned to the Bishop’s office. The deadline is January 20th. Send your Synod Administration quotas and donations to our Treasurer, Mr. Wilburn Roby, Jr. □□a We urge all congregations to mail a copy of their Constitution and by-laws, and their monthly communications to the Bishop’s office. _OJ We urge all our congregations to subscribe to our Calvin Synod Herald - Reformátusok Lapja. Group subscriptions are $8.00; $6.00 for 50 copies or more. Individual subscriptions are $10.00. □□□ The Nagyvarad Church is planning to build a home for the homeless. Donations for this worthy cause may be sent to our Treasurer designated: Nagyvarad-Homeless. ooa SEMINARY STUDENTS FROM EUROPE Abraham Kovács - Princeton, NJ Csaba Krasznai - Washington, DC Szilveszter Füsti Molnár - Dubuque, IA CALVIN SYNOD HERfiLD Reformátusok Lapja Official Organ Of The Calvin Synod United Church of Christ Founded in 1900 CALVIN SYNOD HERALD (ISSN 0161-6900) is published bi-monthly for $10.00/year for individual subscriptions; $8.00/year for group subscriptions; $6.00/year for 50 or more copies by Rt. Rev. Dr. Stephen Szabó, 415 Steven Blvd., Cleveland, Ohio 44143-1723. Periodicals postage paid at Cleveland, Oh. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to CALVIN SYNOD HERALD, 415 Steven Blvd., Cleveland, Oh 44143-1723 Editor-in-Chief; Rt Rev Dr Francis Vitéz, bishop Newsletters prepared & printed by J.P.Crlswell - (440) 729-1765 V. ^ I FORTH-COMING EVENTS FAST EVENTS