Calvin Synod Herald, 1996 (96. évfolyam, 1-6. szám)

1996-01-01 / 1. szám

CALVIN SYNOD HERALD 3 AMERIKAI MAGYAR REFORMÁTUSOK LAPJA REV. DARRELL WEBER was or­dained to the Christian Ministry in St. Louis at St. Paul's United Church of Christ on November 19, 1995 by Aux­iliary Bishop Louis Medgyesi and Rev. Albert Kovács Chairman of the Church and Ministry Committee. We ask God's blessings upon the new minister, fam­ily and congregation. era REV. MARIANNA KIRÁLY, pastor of the Hungarian Reformed Church of Passaic, N.J. was ordained and in­stalled on December 10, 1995 by Bishop Vitéz, Dean Rev. Albert Kovács and Rev. Béla Póznán, Secre­tary-Treasurer of the Eastern Classis. May God bless our minister and the Congregation. era BISHOPS VISITATIONS. During the summer and fall, the Bishop visited the following Congregations. In the East­ern Classis: New York, Passaic, South Norwalk and Fairfield. In the Central Classis: Springdale. The Lakeside Classis: Fairport Harbor, Cleveland West, Columbus, Dayton; and the Western Classis: Gary, Indiana, Harbor and Whiting. era REPORTS TO THE BETHLEN AL­MANAC should be mailed immediately, as we said in the E & R Church, "with utmost dispatch." Send reports and pic­tures to the Bishop's office. era WE ASK OUR MEMBER CHUR­CHES to send their administration quota and all designated benevolence gifts to the Synod Treasurer. era 1996 IS THE 1100TH YEAR of Hun­garian settlement in the Carpathian Basin. It is the millicentennarium of Hungarian statehood. Our ancestors took part in the conquest 1100 years ago. Plan to visit Hungary and take part and attend the festivities. era THE SPRING MEETING OF THE LAKESIDE CLASSIS will be held on February 19, 1996 at the West Side Hungarian Reformed Church in Cleve­land, Ohio. era MARCH 3, 1996 will be the date for the installation of Rev. Peter Bodor in Sarasota, Florida. era THE COLUMBUS, OHIO CHURCH will celebrate its 90th anniversary on April 21, 1996 with dignified celebra­tions. era THE CLEVELAND FIRST CHURCH will dedicate the new sanctuary portion of the Walton Hills Project on April 28, 1996. Preparations are already under­way for a nationwide celebration. era '96 SYNOD MEETING - The days of May 21-24 were set aside for the An­nual Meeting this year, with the site to be chosen by the Conference Council era THE SÁROSPATAK CHOIR will come to America and will present 10 concerts one week before Easter of 1996. They will come in the footsteps of the former visits of the Debrecen, Kolozsvár and Nyíregyháza choirs. The itinerary is on page 8. era THE REUNION OF THE SÁROSPA­TAK ALUMNI will be held on June 20-30 in Sárospatak. You may register at the following address: Református Kollégium Gimnáziuma Igazgatósága H 3950 Sárospatak Rákóczi ut 1 Hungary THE ANNUAL YOUTH CAMP AND CONFERENCE will be held on the last week of July, 1996. All congregations are asked to send their youth delega­tions to that important gathering to­gether with the youth of the Reformed Church in America. era THE HUNGARIAN REFORMED FEDERATION OF AMERICA will ob­serve the 100th Anniversary of their founding in 1996. The festivities will commence in Trenton, N.J. on Septem­ber 15th with a Worship Service. On September 16th, a Banquet will be held in the Hyatt Regency Hotel in New Brunswick. The convention will end on September 19th. □ra THE FIRST HUNGARIAN RE­FORMED CLASSIS will observe its 100th Anniversary on October 27, 1996. This Classis is now the Eastern Classis of the Calvin Synod. This is the first organized Hungarian Reformed Church group outside Hungary. era WE HAVE EXTENDED A CALL to our congregations to adopt a sister congre­gation - possibly from Slovakia, the Carpatho-Ukraine, former Yugoslavia or Hungary. These congregations need our prayers and support. Our Perth Amboy Church has adopted the Györ­­ke congregation in Slovakia. Let us have some positive action in this mat­ter. era THE MAYOR OF KOLOZSVÁR, Gheorge Funar, wants to move the statue of King Mathias (Mátyás Király) to Vajdahunyad Castle. The King Mathias statue would be replaced by a statue of a wolf feeding two cubs a re­mainder of the origin of Latin-speaking people. era SEMINARY STUDENTS FROM HUNGARY are studying here in the States. We urge our Congregations to invite them for the Christmas holiday. Ildikó Bálint, Iowa City, IA; Zoltán Kelemen, Princeton, NJ; Judit Gál, Atlanta, GA; Peter Loment, Atlanta, GA. era

