Calvin Synod Herald, 1994 (94. évfolyam, 2-6. szám)
1994-03-01 / 2. szám
CALVIN SYNOD HERALD- 2 -REFOMflTÜSOK LAPJA Description of Our Frontispiece Picture We borrowed this significant drawing from our closest sister publication, The Christian Observer (December 17, 1993 issue). G.l. Williamson writes in his article entitled "One of North America's Greatest Needs": "Can anyone look at the state of the church in North America without seeing that it is in a very bad way? I don't see how. What I plead for is the creation of a new framework of cooperation. I want to urge as the only responsible way for the future on the part of the remnant bodies in North America that remain committed to Reformed doctrine and the Presbyterian form of church government. It is to be expected that all of us - myself included - would have an agenda for further reformation (after all, is not a truly Reformed church always reforming?) But to start with there would have to be tolerance of those differences that arise out of different historical backgrounds so long as the Reformed Faith is sincerely confessed and maintained. We could begin to grow together. And in growing together we could, at long last, begin to transcend the historic difference in order to meet the awesome challenge that faces us today in our apostate culture. I think the history and the lessons it has taught are far too important to accept a method of church union in which all the giving up is on one side. But coming together in a North American body modeled after the failed ideal of the Reformed Ecumenical Synod would help us all to make the transition. And that really is at least one of North America's Greatest Needs." We cannot do anything else but truly and whole-heartedly underline all the above when the Ship of the Church is being carried on such unbelievably turbulent waters all over the world! This is the seventy-fifth anniversary year of the death of the great Hungarian poet. ( \ Endre Ady 1877-1919 V_________I____________/ Endre Ady. He himself summarized his short earthly life filled with grievous struggle in these words: "Upon basalt of Golgotha, I gash my heart-beat's anguished plea. O Christ, my poet, holy Form, I bartered Thee." For a proper commemoration, we shall present his own everlasting "Above All Miracles" poem. As Béla Bartók is to music, Endre Ady in poetry proclaimed a Hungarian Renaissance. The final desire for eternal renewal of creativity with full intensity is expressed in this great poem. In 25 short lines, this poem carries the human soul through the paradox between the real and unreal, the complete and incomplete, life and death. It defies in an endless quest, by stations of loss and finding, above all miracles. Endre Ady: ABOVE ALL MIRACLES "...And the thrid angel sounded, and there fell a great star from heaven,...and the name of the star is called Wormwood...And the fifth angel sounded, and I saw a star fall from heaven unto the earth: and to him was given the key of the bottomless pit... And in those days shall men seek death, and shall not find it; and shall die, and death shal flee from them..." The Revelation of St John the Divine, 8 and 9. For star-plunging, scarlet sounds of angel trumpets I had lain in wait until the phantasms arrived, and miracles that burned my body came from Fever - eighth of angels. From ordered paths I snatched myself, deranged all that my preying eyes had seized. With hundreds lives I mingled mine so that the dream might bravely buffet me, the hundred-hued dream terror. With oriflammes of dreadful awe the storms of my ensainted years have come. Within me the unreal and real seek to become inseparably one through agonized embraces. Desire for death and wormwood pass, I have become complete and like a ghost I do not seek forgiveness, dawn; I have escaped this one, this only yoke - to all I have submitted. Why speed? No more can I be late. The Fever is the world - and I. For star-plunging scarlet sounds, three visions worthy of a hundred lives, bear me above all miracles. □□□ CALVIN SYNOD HERALP)) Reformátusok Lapja Official Organ Of The Calvin Synod - United Church of Christ Founded in 1900 (ISSN 0161-6900) Editor-In-Chief: RT. REV. DR. FRANCIS VITÉZ Editor and Publisher: RT. REV. DR. STEPHEN SZRBÓ 415 Steven ßlvd., Richmond Hts., OH 44143 Telephone: (216) 481-3648 Published bi-monthly Individual Subscription - $7.00 yearly Group Subscription - $5.00 yearly Postmaster Send Form #3579 for change of address to: 415 Steven Blvd., Richmond Hts., OH 44143 Second Class Postage Paid - Cleveland, OH Newsletters Prepared & Printed by Liberty Media, Inc. - (216) 729-7200 '