Calvin Synod Herald, 1991 (91. évfolyam, 1-6. szám)

1991-01-01 / 1. szám

CALVIN SYNOD HERALD-2 -REFORMÁTUSOK LAPJA PAST EVENTS AND NEWS NUGGETS Calvin Synod’s first missionary to Transylvania was ordained The Ordination of Dr. Mihály Ta­­polyai took place in the Sanctuary of the First Hungarian Reformed Church at Cleveland on December 2, 1990. The solemn Service was presided by Bishop Zoltán D. Szűcs. The official invitation from both bishops of Tran­sylvania was received. He will be our ‘foreign missionary’ working among our own Hungarian Reformed people in Transylvania. Now he is the Rev. Dr. Mihály Tapolyai, the very first foreign missionary of our own Calvin Én vagyok az alfa és az ómega... Jel 1,8 I am The Alpha and The Omega... Rév 1,8 Ich bin das A und das O... Offbg 1,8 Je Suis L’Alpha et L’Oméga... Apoc 1,8 Io son L’Alfa e L’Omega... Apoc 1,8 Yo soy el Alpha y la Omega... Apoc 1,8 with Wishing a Happy 1991 to all our readers! • ISSN 0161-6900 CALVIN SYNOD Reformátuiok Lapja Editor in Chief: ZOLTÁN D. SZÜCS, Bishop Editor and Publisher: DR. STEPHEN SZABÓ 415 Steven Blvd., Richmond Hts., Ohio 44143 Telephone: (216) 481-3648 Published bi-monthly Individual Subscription $6.00 yearly Group Subscription $4.00 yearly Postmaster send 3579 Form for change of address to 415 Steven Blvd., Richmond Hts., Ohio 44143 Second Class postage paid at Cleveland, Ohio Printed by: Classic Printing Corp. 9527 Madison Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio 44102 Dr. Tapolyai has been examined in May and approved for ordination providing he had a call — intention to go to Transylvania —, offer came from the 2 Bishops in Transylvania and he is ready to leave soon. Most of the service was in Hunga­rian. Steve Kabay brought to our at­tention that this ordination is a result of what mission work can accomplish. The First church took his family in and supported them and now he is returning to his home country to do mission work. It was moved by Steve Kabay/Julie Reitz to give to Dr. Ta­polyai as a personal ordination gift the offering that came in during the afternoon service. We have one foreign missionary of U.C.C. in our status in Tokyo, Japan: the Rev. Anthony Carter and an other one, who was foreign missionary of the Hungarian Church in Transyl­vania to China in the person of the Rev. Sándor Babos. 100th Anniversary of the first Hun­garian worship service in October 1890 was observed at the West side church on Dec. 9, 1990 at 4:00 p.m. The beginning of our Hungarian Church-Life in America — Our Day of Pentecost in our American Jerusa­lem: Cleveland was held December 9, Sunday, 4 p.m. in the Cleveland West Side Hungarian Reformed Church. The Faithful Flock of the North- American Continent congregated to the triumphant Jubelee for memoriali­­zation of the Historic Date. Little belatedly though, but still be­fore the end of this Year, the great Historic Day was remembered united­ly by our churches in the United States and Canada in this Season of Gratitude Attitude, on the second Sunday of Advent at the birth-place of all of us. It was done in the symbolic unity of the Hungarian Reformed Church in America, The Calvin Synod, The American Hungarian Reformed Fede­ration, The Hungarian Presbyterian Church and The Hungarian Reformed Churches of Canada. The Solemn 100th Anniversary Ser­vice was conducted with the participa­tion of 18 ministers ending with the Service of Holy Communion similarly to the one 100 years ago. The Hunga­rian Sermon was preached by the Rt. Rev. Dr. András Harsányi, bishop of the Hungarian Reformed Church in America on the topic of “God’s Visi­tation in Cleveland.” The English Ser­mon was presented by the Rt. Rev. Zoltán D. Sziics, bishop of the Ma­gyar Calvin Synod with the title of “Clarion Call.” The Thanksgiving Prayer of the Centennial was given by the Rt. Rev. Dr. Stephen Szabó, pre­sident Em. There was a Banquet at 6:30 p.m. in the Calvin Hall, following the Wor­ship Service and the Holy Commu­nion. At the great Banquet Celebration the Address on the History was delie­­vered by Rev. Dr. Imre Bertalan, pre­sident of the Hungarian Reformed Fe­deration. This magestic celebration was pro­per token of our Gratitude Attitude for the blessings of the bygone First Century! E. B. de Vito Living Memory Will I see you again land of my childhood that I left with nothing, nothing at all except an invisible reel of film for me to play and replay like a video of memory? Chopin, when he left his homeland, carried away a scoop of earth, and in the old tales, even Adam left Eden with a greening sprig: a shoot from the ligni aloe tree to plant and conjure up that Garden once more, wherever he might be. Perhaps the exile, taking something that though unreal, may still evoke as in a vanishing veil of smoke, a scene, a pageant, or a tableau, is bringing along what is to him like luz, the indestructible bone: the smallest part of him, yet known to resurrect the whole again.----------------The Centennial Celebration -

