Calvin Synod Herald, 1984 (84. évfolyam, 1-6. szám)
1984-02-01 / 1. szám
CALVIN SYNOD HERALD — 2 — REFORMÁTUSOK LAPJA CALVIN SYNOD NEWS Vacancies: * Manvilie, NJ. became vacant on Oct. 20, 1983. Bishop Butosi and Dean Z. Király had a consultation with the congregation on Dec. 7, 1983. Presently the church is supplied by Rev. L. Köntös (Princeton), but it will be filled permanently as quickly as possible. Interested persons must call the Bishop. * In Dayton, OH, the Rev. Béla Pohoczky has resigned on Jan. 5, 1984 effective June 1, 1984. Bishop Butosi and Dean A. Elek visited the congregation on Jan. 12, 1984 assisting the Bylaws committee and conducting a special congregational meeting. Persons interested in the vacancy are to call the Bishop’s Office. * In South Norwalk, CT. the Rev. Zoltán Szabó announced his retirement on Jan. 22, 1984 effective Aug. 31, 1984. Persons interested in the vacancy are to call the Bishop. A Gift of $5000 was sent for the youth work of our Calvin Synod by the trustees of the Hungarian Ev. and Ref. Church (UCC) of Milwaukee, Wisconsin which was dissolved at the end of 1980. This “last will” of the congregation is sincerely appreciated and Conference Council expressed thanks through Rev. John Sziics, pastor. Youth Camp Consultation was held in Bridgeport, CT on Dec. 3, 1983 with 17 representatives. They decided on the theme, “COME ON, FEEL THE NOISE!” with sub-titles, “The Noise of Self’ (Mon.), “The Noise of Others” (Tues.), “The Noise of the World" (Wed.), “The Noise of the Future” (Thurs.) and “The Song of God" (Fri.). If enthusiasm is an indication of the future, the 1984 Camp on Aug. 12—18 will be better than ever! Plan to come! Three Important meetings were scheduled to take place in February; all in Landmark Inn Motor Lodge, U.S. Routes 1 and 9, Woodbridge NJ. * Archive Committee on Sunday, Feb. 26 at 5 p.m. until 9 p.m. * Conference Council from 9 a.m. on Mon., Feb. 27 to 6 p.m. on Wednesday, Feb. 29. * The Temporary Advisory Council of the Hungarian Reformed Church Uniting from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 28. Pray that meetings may accomplish their tasks with faithful courage! In Perth Amboy, NJ. our John Calvin Magyar Ref. Church welcomed their elected pastor, the Rev. Béla Poznan and his wife, Julianna (Vitéz) on Dec. 15, 1983 as they safely arrived from Czechoslovakia. The remodeling of the parsonage is under way, despite of bitter winter! A Hungarian Family from Erdély, Sándor Zudor and 2 children have been granted political asylum in U.S.A. due to the tireless and sacrificial efforts of the Rev. Eugene Z. Szabó of Phoenixville, Pa. We all rejoice and congratulate to all of them! But Transylvanian Hungarians are still in great distress in Romania. Many of them are homeless in their homeland, and only three students were admitted to seminary in this school year (24 would be needed!) Dr. Mihály Tapolyai who has extensive experience and knowledge in the Eastern European church affairs and ethnic problems, is available for lectures and seminars, Hung, or Engl. (3643 Lindholm Blvd., Cleveland, OH 44120, Phone: (216) 991-2459). Use him! Let Us Not Forget our So. American mission (see Rev. I. Szabo’s report in Ref. Lapja, Dec. 1983), leprosy project (with Rev. K. Dobos of Hungary), other Synod Appeals, One Great Hour of Sharing (Apr. 1), etc. Without mission there is no church! Zwingli s 500th Anniversary (born Jan. 1. 1484) will be celebrated by making available the Special Commemorative Issue of Christian History Magazine. Order it through Bishop's Office ($2.50); good for gift, teaching, Reformed theology! Denominational News: Church Bonding Program is recommended ($15 for 3 years) until Jan. 31, 1984... The Second National Youth Event will be held July 29—Aug. 2, 1984 at the Univ. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. Register before Apr. 1 through Bishop’s Office... Workshop tape is available in the Bishop’s Office for those who wish to use the Census Project in mission planning... Summer Service opportunities and Theological Study in the Third World are good offers! Columbus Youth Conference The annual May Youth Conference for the Lakeside, Western, and Central Classes will be held on Saturday and Sunday, May 5—6th, 1984, in Columbus, Ohio, at the Hungarian Reformed Church, for youth ages 13 (or confirmed) and older. Lodging will be provided by the host church’s families. The theme for this conference will be ‘ “Rock" of Ages” ' and will focus on the music of today which most of our young people listen to with as much enthusiasm as their parents listened to the music of their generation years ago. Music had changed a great deal over the years, and we will try to show at this conference just how much of an impression, whether it be good or bad, it has on our youth of today. CALVIN SYNOD HERALD Official Organ of the Calvin Synod, Conference of the United Church of Christ EDITOR IN CHIEF: Dr. John Butosi, Bishop 963 Laurel Avenue, Bridgeport, Conn. 06604 Telephone: (203) 368-3658 MANAGING EDITOR: Paul Kantor ADMINISTRATOR: Charlotte K. Kantor 365 E. Woodrow Avenue, P.O. Box 07812 Columbus, Ohio 43207 Telephones: (613) 444-1473 or 444-1319 PUBLISHING OFFICE: Classic Printing Corp. 9527 Madison Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio 44102 Telephone: (216) 631-3626 Published bi-monthly Individual Subscription $6.00 Group Subscription $4.00 yearly Postmaster send 3579 Form for change of address to P.O. Box 07812, Columbus OH 43207 Second Class postage paid at Painesville, Ohio ISSN 0161-6900 REFORMÁTUSOK LAPJA A Kálvin Egyházkerület (United Church of Christ) hivatalos folyóirata. FELELŐS SZERKESZTŐ: Dr. Bütösi János, püspök 963 Laurel Avenue, Bridgeport, Conn. 06604 Telefon: (203)368-3658 ÜGYVEZETŐ SZERKESZTŐ: Kántor Pál ADMINISZTRÁTOR: Kántorné Erdei Sári P.O. Box. 07812, Columbus, OH 43207 Telephone: (614)444-1473.444-1319 KIADÓ HIVATAL: Classic Printing Corp. 9527 Madison Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio 44102 Telefon: (216)631-3626 Megjelenik kéthavonként Egyéni előfizetés $6.00 évente Csoportos előfizetés $4.00 évente A nem kért kéziratokat bélyeggel ellátott válaszborítékok csatolásával küldjük csak vissza. Fényképet nem őrzünk meg. Minden levelezést az ÜGYVEZETŐ SZERKESZTŐ címére kérünk. Beginning the Saturday session will be a short presentation on Leadership lead by Rev. Paul Kantor, Pastor of the Columbus church, and the Youth Fellowship. Following will be the presentation of our main themes which will hopefully stimulate the minds of our young people while they dance away the evening to records spun by D.J. Jeff Randall. Much of the music of today has double meanings and only when you analyze it can you begin to wonder whether this type of music is harmful or not to our youth. The music of "yesteryear” also had hidden meanings, yet, the controversy was not as pronounced perhaps because there was no need to psychoanalyze most everything in our daily lives. We won't turn the world upside down or make any great contributions to it, but we do hope to have a program that the youth who attend will enjoy and hopefully remember for years to come. Charlotte K. Kantor QUESTION Membership declines in the United Church of Christ have been a major concern in recent years. During the period 1970 to 1979 what has been the UCC’s net membership loss? A. 68,000 B. 122,000 C. 224,000 D. 318,000 C. is the correct response! In the decade of the 1970’s the United Church of Christ lost nearly 224,000 members. The Division of Evangelism and Church Extension of the United Church Board for Homeland Ministries is developing a new set of programs to offset these losses.