Calvin Synod Herald, 1983 (83. évfolyam, 2-4. szám)
1983-04-01 / 2. szám
CALVIN SYNOD HERALD — 2 — REFORMÁTUSOK LAPJA CALVIN SYNOD NEWS CALVIN SYNOD HERALD Official Organ of the Calvin Synod, Conference of the United Church of Christ. Dr. John Butosl, Bishop 963 Laurel Avenue, Bridgeport, Conn. 06604 Telephone: (203) 368-3658 MANAGING EDITOR: Paul Kantor 601-611 Plum Street Fairport Harbor, Ohio 44077 Telephone: (216) 352-4836, 357-5203 PUBLISHING OFFICE: Classic Printing Corp. 9527 Madison Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio 44102 Telephone: (216) 631-3626 Published bi-monthly Individual Subscription $6.00 Group Subscription $4.00 yearly Postmaster send 3579 Form for change of address to 601-611 Plum St., Fairport Harbor, OH 44077 Second Class postage paid at Painesville, Ohio ISSN 0161-6900 REFORMÁTUSOK LAPJA A Kálvin Egyházkerület (United Church of Christ) hivatalos folyóirata. Dr. Bütösi János, püspök 963 Laurel Avenue, Bridgeport, Conn. 06604 Telefon: (203)368-3658 ÜGYVEZETŐ SZERKESZTŐ: Kántor Pál 601-611 Plum St., Fairport Harbor, OH 44077 Telefon: (216) 352-4836,357-5203 KIADŐ HIVATAL: Classic Printing Corp. 9527 Madison Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio 44102 Telefon: (216) 631-3626 Megjelenik kéthavonként Egyéni előfizetés $6.00 évente Csoportos előfizetés $4.00 évente A nem kért kéziratokat bélyeggel ellátott válaszborítékok csatolásával küldjük csak vissza. Fényképet nem őrzünk meg. Minden levelezést az ÜGYVEZETŐ SZERKESZTŐ címére kérünk. A LITTLE INFORMATION The Lorain, Ohio Hungarian Reformed Church unanimously voted at its congregational meeting on February 27th to join our Calvin Synod. According to the 1982 UCC Year Book the Lorain Church has 520 members, larger than any in our Synod. Recently the Toledo, Ohio Calvin United Church decided to seek dual membership with us also. We welcome Lorain and Toledo in our fellowship. With Lorain in our midst the composition of our Synod membership in the four Classes is the following: Lakeside 37.8%, Eastern 30.7%, Western 18.7%, Central 12.8%. OFFICIAL CALL Constituent churches and ministers in good standing are hereby officially notified that the FORTY-FIFTH ANNUAL MEETING of The Calvin Synod Conference of the United Church of Christ will be held on May 2—5, 1983 at the Lord Ligonier Inn, Ligonier, Pennsylvania. PROPOSED AGENDA May 2, Monday sessions Afternoon: Lord Ligonier Inn 2:00 p.m. Prayer. Call to Order. Roll Call. Adopting the agenda. Standing Rules. Appointing Committees. Electing Nominating Committee. 2:30 Bishop’s Report 3:15 Gen. Secretary’s Report 3:30 Treasurer’s Report 3:45 Ref. Lapja Editor's Report 4:00 Deans' Report 4:30 Denominational Representative 5:00 Recess (Horace Sills) 6:00 Dinner (B. Home). Greetings Evening: Bethlen Chapel 7:30 Service of. Worship and Holy Communion. Dr. S. Szabó preaching, Council members participating. , May 3, Tuesday sessions Morning: Lord Ligonier Inn 9:00 a.m. Devotion: Rev. Wm. Nyerges 9:30 Workshop on Church Growth 11:00 Coffee break 11:15 Hearing on Transylvania and Czechoslovakia. 12:00 Official photographing 12:30 Recess. Lunch Afternoon: Lord Ligonier Inn 2:00 p.m. Workshop on Family and Women’s Concerns 3:30 Recess for Committee Meetings 4:30 Committee Meetings II. 5:30 Recess for free evening Evening: Bethlen Home “pavillion” 6:30 on: visit of retired cottages, archives, nursing home, etc. 7:00 p.m. Make your supper: szalonna, hamburger, hot dog, salad, onion, refreshment, etc. will be available with singing, fellowship, etc. May 4, Wednesday sessions Morning: Lord Ligonier Inn 9:00 a.m. Devotion: Rev. S. Kovács 9:30 Committee on Church and Min. 9:50 Committee on Travel Expenses 10:00 Committee on Youth Work 10:20 Coffee break 10:30 Committee on Bishop and Council Reports 11:30 Committee on Recommendations 12:15 Recess. Lunch. Afternoon: Lord Ligonier Inn 2:00 p.m. Constitution and By-Laws 3:30 Committee on Church Papers 3:45 Committee on Budget and Finances (New Assessment) 4:15 Nominating Committee reports 4:45 Other Committees (Recommend.) 5:00 Recess. Evening: Wed.: Lord Ligonier Inn 7:00' p.m. Annual Synod Banquet. Brief program: recognitions, 500th anniversary of Luther’s birth. 9:45 Recess. May 5, Thursday sessions Morning: Lord Ligonier Inn 9:00 a.m. Devotion: Rev. D. G. Capp 9:30 Committee on Recommendations 10:00 Committee on Budget and Fin. 10:30 Nominating Committee reports Election (officers, committees) 11:00 Unfinished business. 11:30 Installation of Officers 11:45 Adjournment. Reimbursement of Travel Expenses. Lunch. The Conference Council met on Feb. 7—9, 1983 in Woodbridge, N.J. In addition to preparing the Annual Meeting it acted in the following matters: — Mr. R. S. Armstrong, Rev. J. Posta, I. Slakovitz to appear before the Committee on Church and Ministry on May 2, 1983 at 10 a.m. in Ligonier. — The case of the Coatesviile Church, and the request of the McKeesport-Rankin congregations to submit to the Synod at the Annual Meeting. — In regard to assessment to unify travel and administration quotas, and to combine membership and income in determining the amount. — To recommend the support of the Szentmihályiné Szabó Mária Project". This outstanding Hungarian author whose books cultivate the spirit of historic Hungarian Reformed piety, died on June 24, 1982. Her friends, under the sponsorship of Bishops Abraham and Butosi, wish to place her bronze bust in the Raday Library of Budapest at the first anniversary of her death. Our pastors and churches are urged to help raise the necessary $3,500! (Read Hungarian text!) — To present E. Charles, the deans, Dr. J. Piri, Dr. C. Medyesy as members of the Nominating Committee. In Regard to Transylvania, the Carribean and North American Area Council of the World Alliance of Reformed Churches expressed deep concern at its Feb. 3—5, 1983 meeting in Montreal, Canada. It recommended (1) The USA Government to withdraw most favored nation privileges from Romania; (2) The Council to work out a statement on the collective rights of a minority; (3) The Geneva Office to monitor the situation in Romania, and seek out the prisoners; (4) The European Area Council to examine this issue and help our brothers and sisters in Romania to exercise their political and rel. rights. A book on Marla Molnár, the martyr Hungarian Reformed missionary to the Papuans, will be published if sufficient new material warrants it. Please, notify Bishop Butosi in case you have such material! Vacant Church: The Hungarian Ref. Church at Winnipeg, Canada seeks a pastor. For informations write to Mr. Jenő Nagy, 10 Hansford Rd., Winnipeg, Man. R2J 2J4 (256-4615). Personal notes: The Rev. Béla Szabó of Windsor, Canada died on Feb. 28 at the age of 75 ... Mrs. Katherine Sewell died in Livongston, N.Y. at the mother of Dr. Kalman Toth and Mrs. L. Vietorisz died in Budakalász, Hungary at the age of 95 ... Dr. Francis Újlaki underwent an operation on his 93rd birthday, Feb. 13 in Florida ... UCC Nominating Committee selected Helen Beretz, Sarah Butosi and Suzanne Virgulák for recommending to various boards ...