Calvin Synod Herald, 1975 (75. évfolyam, 1-12. szám)
1975-01-01 / 1-2. szám
2 CALVIN SYNOD HERALD THE RIGHT REVEREND BISHOP ÁRPÁD L. BERETZ 7520 Woodmar Avenue Hammond, Ind. 46323 Tel.: 219-844-8632 OFFICIAL COMMUNICATION Our Annual Synod Meeting will be held in Ligonier, Pa. on April 28 - May 1, 1975. If you are interested in our McKeesport pulpit, please contact the Bishop’s office. Our Gary congregation in still vacant. Please let the Synod office know of any one interested in this very fine congregation. The Rev. Koloman Ludwig has been called to our Whiting, Indiana congregation. Any proposed amendments to the Constitution of Synod must be in the hands of the General Secretary of Synod 90 days before April 28, 1975. We will observe the 75th Anniversary of the Reformátusok Lapja at Synod with suitable recognition and ceremony. The Rev. Joseph Kecskeméthy, Synod Treasurer, will he honored at Synod on the occasion of his retirement from the pastoral ministry. The new address of Rev. Louis Becske is: 30 Greenwood Crescent S.W., Calgary, Alberta, Canada, T3E 4X4. As of this date, I have appointed the Rev. Zoltán Kovács, pastor of our Homestead congregation, as Synod representative to the Galley Slave Anniversary Celebration sponsored by the American Hungarian Reformed Presbyter’s Association. It is with sadness that we report that our small Joliet, Illinois congregation has decided to disband. Although the process of dissolution has not yet began, there are no longer Services being held there. The Rev. Aaron Elek has been appointed General Secretary of Synod by our Synodical Council after consultation with the Nominating Committee to fill out the term of the Rev. Joseph Marsalko. CALVIN M[DAI n x synod Htfyu UM U ■ Reformátusok Lapja Official Organ Of Tha Calvin Synod — United Church of Christ Founded in 1900 — ■ ■ ---- > January-February 1975 Volume 75, No. 1-2 Published bi-monthly. Editor-in-Chief: The Right Reverend Arpad L. Beretz, Bishop 7520 Woodmar Avenue, Hammond, Ind. 46323 EDITOR: REV. FRANCIS VITÉZ 493 Amboy Ave., Perth Amboy, N. J. 08861 Phone: (201) 826-3513 Subscription—Előfizetés: yearly—évi: individual: $5.00, group: $3.50. Printed by Standard Press, New Brunswick, N. J. Second class postage paid at New Brunswick, N. J. 08901 Send Form 3579 to Calvin Synod Herald — Reformátusok Lapja, Circulation Department, Parker Offset Printing Co., 163-167 Albany Street, New Brunswick, New Jersey 08901 —o— Please make checks payable to the Calvin Synod Herald —o— Send all correspondence to the Editor. Manuscripts and photographs are not preserved or returned. THE EDITORIAL BOARD OF THE REFORMÁTUSOK LAPJA: Editor-in-Chief ................ Right Reverend Arpad L. Beretz, Bishop Editor ................................................................................ Rev. Francis Vitéz Board Members: Rev. Aaron Elek, Rev. Joseph Kecskemethy, Rev. Dr. George C ia, Rt. Rev. Dr. Stephen Szabó, Rev. Victor Orth, Rev. Alexander Babos, Rt. Rev. Dr. Stephen M. Bessemer, Rt. Rev. Dr. John Butosi, Rev. Leslie Egry, Rev. Zoltán Király. The Palm Sunday Conference of our Eastern Classis will be held in Passaic, New Jersey. The Spring Meeting of the Eastern Classis will be held in Wallingford, Connecticut on April 6. The 50th Anniversary of the ordination of the Rt. Rev. Dr. Stephen M. Bessemer is planned to be observed on June 1, 1975. Dr. Bessemer has served the Hungarian Reformed Church of Bridgeport, Connecticut continuously for the past 50 years. Perth Amboy, New Jersey. Mrs. Bertha Madi, wife of the former chief elder of the John Calvin Magyar Reformed Church, passed away on January 23, 1975. She was the mother of the late Rev. Steve Madi and mother-in-law of Chaplain (Col.) Joseph Degi. AZ AKRONI LORÁNTFFY OTTHON MAGYAR LELKÉSZEKKEL, MAGYAR ORVOSOKKAL, MAGYAR ÁPOLÓNŐKKEL, MAGYAR SZEMÉLYZETTEL MAGYAR ÉTELEKKEL, MAGYAR SZERETETTEL MEGKEZDTE MŰKÖDÉSÉT AZ AMERIKAI MAGYARSÁG SZOLGÁLATÁBAN. Érdeklődhetünk levélben vagy telefonon: LORÁNTFFY OTTHON 2631 Copley Road, Akron, Ohio 44321 Tel: 216-666-2631 és 216-666-1313 COVER PHOTO BY ZOLTÁN ALEXÁI, HUNGARY