Calvin Synod Herald, 1974 (74. évfolyam, 1-12. szám)

1974-03-01 / 3. szám

2 CALVIN SYNOD HERALD THE RIGHT REVEREND BISHOP ÁRPÁD L. BERETZ 7520 Woodmar Avenue Hammond, Ind. 46323 Tel.: 219-844-8632 DECLARATION On Monday, February 11, 1974, members of the Council of the Calvin Synod, United Church of Christ and of the Bishop’s Council of the Hungarian Re­formed Church in America, authorized and commis­sioned to conduct union negotiations, met at the Marriott Motel in Saddle Brook, New Jersey. The Council of the Calvin Synod was represented by Bishop Arpad Beretz, Deputy Bishop Aaron Elek, Secretary Joseph Marsalko, and Dean Francis Vitéz. Dean Vitéz was invited by the Bishop for this occa­sion. Treasurer Joseph Kecskemethy and Synod Pres­byter John Nemesnyik, also members of this team, were unable to attend because of illness and work, respectively. The Bishop’s Council of the Hungarian Beformed Church in America was represented by Bishop Dezső Abraham, General Secretary Stephen Kovács, Dean Gabor Csordás, Dean Dr. Andrew Harsanyi, former Archdean Alexander Daroczy and Mr. John Nemish, chief elder of the Eastern Classis. At the close of the meeting the negotiators issued the following statement: With deepfelt gratitude to God Almighty, re­joicing in the power of the Spirit of Jesus Christ, the Great Head of the Church, we report that our negotiations toward the union of our respective church bodies have borne fruit. We agree in princple that the union is desirable and timely. Therefore we proceeded with plans to form a church body to be called The United Hun­garian Reformed Church as well as with plans for the immediate and long range implementation of structure and mission. The United Hungarian Reformed Church in America will be governed by a UNITED BISHOPS’ COUNCIL consisting of at least six members each from the Council of the Calvin Synod and from the Bishop’s Council of the Hungarian Reformed Church in America. Representatives of other organized church bodies of Hungarian Reformed background will be welcome to join the United Bishops’ Council. The United Bishops Council’s work will be directed by an Executive General Secretary whose duty will be to plan, coordinate, oversee and carry out the mission and program of the United Church as authorized by the United Bishops Council, to secure the financial means of operation from the constituent bodies, also to represent the United Church. Pastors and their ministries will be mutually recognized. Congregations and other judicatories will remain under the jurisdic­tion of their present church bodies. The above agreement to be presented to the Spring Synod Meeting of the respective church bodies for approval and consent. The “Basis of Union” as worked out by the “Committee of Six” in 1961-62 will be utilized in drawing up the charter and other details. The negotiators wish to report further that the above agreement was reached by unanimous con­sensus of all participants. Bishop Arpad Beretz Bishop Dezső Abraham (The English and Hungarian text of the above Declaration was prepared by the Rev. Dr. Andrew Harsanyi and the Rev. Francis Vitéz) According to the request of the Synodical Council the Calvin Synod Herald will be published this year as follows: January, February, March. April-May, June-July, August- September, October-November, December. Calvin urn a I n synod HtryALU Reformátusok Lapja Official Organ Of Th# Calvin Synod - United Church of Christ Founded in 1900 I March 1974 Volume 74, No. 3 Published monthly except April-May, June-July, August-September and October-November when bi-monthly. Editor-in-Chief: The Right Reverend Arpad L. Beretz, Bishop 7520 Woodmar Avenue, Hammond, Ind. 46323 EDITOR: REV. FRANCIS VITÉZ 493 Amboy Ave., Perth Amboy, N. J. 08861 Phone: (201) 826-3513 Subscription—Előfizetés: évi $3.50 yearly. Printed by Standard Press, New Brunswick, N. J. Second class postage paid at New Brunswick, N. J. 08901 Send Form 3579 to Calvin Synod Herald — Reformátusok Lapja, Circulation Department, Parker Offset Printing Co., 163-167 Albany Street, New Brunswick, New Jersey 08901 —o— Please make checks payable to the Calvin Synod Herald —o— Send all correspondence to the Editor

