Calvin Synod Herald, 1974 (74. évfolyam, 1-12. szám)

1974-12-01 / 12. szám

6 CALVIN SYNOD HERALD Pintér, Jenő, Magyar irodalomtörténete (History of Hungarian Literature (8 volumes), Budapest, 1930. Szabó, Dénes, A magyar nyelvemlékek (Vestiges of Early Hungarian Literature), 2nd edition, Tankönyvkiadó, Budapest, 1959. pp. 80-(-I-XXVII documents. Toldy, Ferenc, A magyar nemzeti irodalom története (History of the Hungarian Literature), Emich, Budapest, 1865. Dr. Tóth-Szabó, Pál, A cseh-huszita mozgalmak és ura­lom története Magyarországon (History of Czech-Hussite Movement in Hungary), Hornyánszky, Budapest, 1917. Újszövetségi füzetek (N. T. Studies), edited by and published by Károly Erdősi, No. L, 1937.-—Az Újszövetség magyar fordításai a reformáció óta (Hungarian N.T. Trans­lations since the Reformation). Vajthó, László, Halhatatlan magyar irodalom (Ever­lasting Hungarian Literature), Magyar Királyi Egyetemi Nyomda, Budapest, n. d. Zolnai, Gyula, Nyelvemlékeink a könyvnyomtatás korá­ig (Literary Documents Till the Invention of Printing), Ma­gyar Tudományos Akadémia, Budapest, 1894. Dr. Zsilinszky, Mihály, A magyarhoni protestáns egyház története (History of Protestant Churches in Hungary), Athe­naeum, Budapest, 1907. Francis Vitéz ‘WLt 3 CU If I have strength, I owe the servic e of the strong; If melody I have, I owe the world a song. If I can stand when all around my post are falling, If I can run with speed when needy hearts are calling, And if my torch can light the dark of any night, Then, I must pay the debt I owe with living light. For any gift God gives to me I cannot pay; Gifts are most mine when I most give them all away, God’s gifts are like His flowers, which show their right to stay By giving all their bloom and fragrance away; Riches are not in gold or land, estates or marts, The only wealth worth having is found in human hearts. Author unknown. ii!tiiiiintiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiininmniiiiiiiii]iii]iititiniiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiitiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiii[[ii![[iiiiiiiiiiiiii[iiiiinitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii THE REVEALING AFTERMATH (Continued from page 4) that cut out the diseased parts of these lives and gave them a glorious second chance. And I hope that — by the grace of God — this will be the story of this holiday season for many of you, — the story of a bright light, — the story of a ruthlessly searching light, — the story of a painfully exposing light, but — at the same time — the story of a tenderly healing light, so you may have life in the Light and that abundantly. Amen. Andrew Hamza Cleveland Celebration On November 3, 1974 the First Hungarian Re­formed Church of Cleveland, Ohio observed the 25th Anniversary of the building of their cathedral style sanctuary. At the 11 A.M. Worship Service, the Church was filled to capacity. The choir, clergy and elders en­tered the Church while the congregation sang the historical hymn of the Reformation: “A mighty for­tress is our God...” The pastor, the Rt. Rev. Dr. Stephen Szabó, pres­ident emeritus of Calvin (Hungarian) Synod, Dean of the Lakeside Classis, opened the Worship Service with the invocation, after which Dr. Joseph Piri, chief­­elder of the congregation delivered a welcome ad­dress in Hungarian. Dr. Elam G. Wiest, former pres­ident of the North-East Ohio Synod presided at the opening prayer, the Rt. Rev. Arpad L. Beretz, Bishop of Calvin Synod preached the English sermon, the Rt. Rev. Dr. Zoltán Beky, Bishop emeritus of the Hungarian Reformed Church in America, presently the president of the Hungarian Reformed Federation of America in Washington D.C. preached in Hungarian, while the Rev. Francis Vitéz, Dean of the Eastern Classis of Calvin Synod offered a prayer in Hungarian. The Rev. Stephen Csutoros and the Rev. Frank Juhasz Shepherd both of Cleveland also participated in the Worship Service. A solo number was offered by Miss Evelyn Kal­­nasy who was accompanied by Mrs. Elizabeth Davis Kondorossy, the organist and choir director of the local congregation. Maestro Leslie Kondorossy’s “Len­­tamente” was presented on the organ by Mrs. Kondo­rossy. A Banquet was held at 1 P.M. in the Bethlen Hall. Following the singing of the American and Hun­garian National Anthems, Rev. Aaron Elek, Deputy Bishop of Calvin Synod, offered Grace. Dr. Piri and Mr. William Köteles welcomed the many guests. Among the speakers were Honorable Frank J. Lausche, Senator of Ohio. Mr. Lausche, governor of Ohio at the time of the dedication of the sanctuary, and pre­sent at the dedication Service, spoke eloquently about the favorable influence of churches upon our constit­uencies. He was applauded by a standing ovation. The Rt. Rev. Abbot Jerome Koval of the neighboring Benedictine Monastery, spoke of the friendship be­tween the two churches. Councilman David N. Strand presented a Citation from the City of Cleveland, Com­missioner Hugh Corrigan presented a Citation from Cuyahoga County, and Senator Anthony O. Calabrese, former Mayor of Cleveland, presented a Proclamation from the Governor of Ohio. Mayor Ralph J. Perk ex­tended the greetings of the city at this festive occasion. Bishop Beretz extended the greetings of the Calvin Synod, Bishop Beky spoke in behalf of the Federa­tion, and Mr. Emery Király, former treasurer of the Federation and the builder of the Bethlen Hall pre­sented glimpses into the history of the congregation.

