Calvin Synod Herald, 1973 (73. évfolyam, 1-12. szám)

1973-08-01 / 8-9. szám

REFORMÁTUSOK LAPJA 7 But perhaps it is in his descriptive poetry that we see his lofty imagination at its very best. This is especially true of poems about the Hungarian Low­land, which may be described as both steppe and prairie depending on one’s point of view. One of the earliest of these poems, and still among his finest, is the Alföld (Lowland or Puszta), which begins with the following lines: Wild Carpathians, you dark romantic world of fir! I may admire, but do not love you. My fancy roams no mountain valleys there. My world and home are the lowlands, the Alföld, the open sea. I look on the plains of this infinite, and the prisoned eagle of my soul is free. In a moment of divine inspiration, Petőfi ex­claimed on seeing the lowland near Debrecen: “Hortobágy, you are the brow of God!” It is the Puszta that shapes and molds Petőfi’s poetic imagery, the great panoramic pictures of light and color that know no impediment. The Puszta di­rects his eyes to detail and every object, motion, and sound assumes critical importance. There is no room for clutter in this infinite. Its austerity taught the poet the language of the bleak wilderness and its prophe­cies. Anton Nyerges-------------< » » -------------24th Annual Youth Camp CALVIN SYNOD (Conference of the United Church of Christ) AT CAMP KANESATAKE Spruce Creek, Pennsylvania AUGUST 12 AUGUST 18, 1973 1973 Camp Theme: "The Vacuums Inside Us?” In America today a young person can have the highest level of “things”, schooling, and success. Yet many feel they are missing something. Many do not have a reason to live. Many try to fill up with religious extremes, self-pampering, horoscopes, politics, drugs or naturalness. We’ll examine these vacuum-fillers. And we’ll cross­­examine Christ as to what alternative He offers. DAILY PROGRAMS DUMB, TURNED ON, WITH IT Rev. C. T. Medyesy FAR-OUT RELIGIOUS EXPERIENCE Rev. Lajos Illés KARL’S, MAC’S, AND VLADIMIR'S ISMS Rev. L. Medyesy STARS, CARDS, AND VIBES Rev. Paul Sherry THE HIGHEST HIGH: CHRIST! Rev. Arthur Antal Camp Director — Rev. L. Medyesy Agenda The Twenty-seventh Annual Conference Meeting of the American Hungarian Reformed Presbyter’s Association to be held on September 2 and 3, 1973 at the Bethlen Home, Ligonier, Pennsylvania. SEPT. 2—SUNDAY SESSIONS Afternoon—Bethlen Meeting Room 2:00 p.m.—Opening Devotional, The Rev. Zoltán Király— Pres. Ministerial Ass’n 2:20 p.m.—Call to order, Roll Call and Registration 2:35 p.m.—The Secretary’s Report, Mr. Alexander Rethi— Columbus, Ohio 2:50 p.m.—Appointment of Committees a. Auditing b. Resolutions c. Press and Radio 3:00 p.m.—The President’s Report, Mr. Joseph Tegze — Passaic, N.J. 3:45 p.m.—Eastern District Vice Pres. Report, Mr. Wil­liam Hevesy—So. Norwalk, Conn. 3:55 p.m.—Central District Vice Pres. Report, Mr. Joseph Revesz—Homestead, Pa. 4:05 p.m.—Lakeside District Vice Pres. Report, Mr. Hugo Pfahler—Akron, Ohio 4:15 p.m.—Western District Vice Pres. Report, Mr. Charles Bone—Allen Park, Mich. 4:25 p.m.—Recess 4:40 p.m.—Mr. Barna Szabó—Church Secretary—Passaic, —Gabor Bethlen — Champion of Hungarian Calvinism 5:45 p.m.—Recess Evening — Bethlen Home Dining Room 6:00 p.m.—Dinner Ecumenical and Fraternal Greetings to the 27th Presbyter’s Conference; Rt. Rev. Zoltán Beky—President Hungarian Ref. Federation of America Rt. Rev. Arpad Beretz—Bishop Calvin Synod Conference U.C.C. Rt. Rev. Dezső Abraham—Bishop, Hungarian Reformed Church in America Rt. Rev. Louis Nagy—Superintendent, Bethlen Home Rev. Andrew Hamza — United Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. Rev. Imre Bertalan — Reformed Church in America and others— 8:00 p.m.—Hungarian Folk Singing—Rev. and Mrs. Jo­seph Kecskemethy—Calvin Synod Treasurer and Pastor—Passaic, N.J. 8:20 p.m.—Recess 8:30 p.m.—Committee Meetings SEPT. 3 — MONDAY SESSIONS 8:30 a.m.—The Sanctuary—The Service of Holy Commun­ion—The Rev. Zoltán Király Morning —• Bethlen Meeting Room 9:45 a.m.—Rev. Dr. Joseph Arvai-Zsiros, Pastor—Flint, Michigan —Church Union Pro and Con—of Hungarian Reformed Churches in America

