Bethlen Naptár, 1945 (Ligonier)


BETHLEN NAPTAR AZ 1945-IK ESZTENDŐRE 297. OLDAL Central Tabulating and Statistical Bureau SPECIALISTS in Preparation of Valuation and Statistical Data for Fraternal Insurance Societies 786 BROAD STREET Newark, N. J. Compliments of J. H. ZEITLIN CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT • 786 BROAD STREET Newark, N. J. • 500 FIFTH AVENUE New York, N. Y. Phone: LOngacre 5—7353 Cable: Menander, New York MILES M. DAWSON & SON INCORPORATED Established 1894 • Consulting Actuaries Auditors and Accountants • 500 FIFTH AVENUE At Forty-Second Street New York, N. Y. MOLNÁR ISTVÁN EMLÉKÉRE “Molnár-harang” Bizottság egy igaz barátja .... Washington, D. C.

