Bérmunkás, 1936. július-december (24. évfolyam, 900-925. szám)

1936-08-01 / 904. szám

8 oldai BÉRMUNKÁS 1936 augusztus 1. Junior Column The squirrel’s rebellion Once upon a time there was a squirrel. As a matter of fact, there still are squirrels, but since this is a fairy tale, I must begin with “once upon a time.” Now this squirrel was just like any other squirrels in outward appearances; his skull however, contained a little bit more gray matter. Not the ordinary from of intelligence but the cunning subtle, and Sneaky type. We‘11 call him Fuzzy Face. This chap lived with a colony in a small woods. Each one of them owned, by mutual consent, an equal number of trees from which they could get theii food. At the present time all of the little animals were very happily springing from tree to tree; scampering about on the topmost boughs, and chatter­ing gaily about nothing in part icular. And why shouldn’t they be happy? . . . weren’t the nut trees loaded down with more nuts than any of them had ever seen before? Here­tofore, their custom had been to gather and store away as many nuts as they could to tide them over the winter and the early spring. A reserve supply was also maintained in case the next year’s crop was a poor one. Now, they figured, prosperity was again here to stay and most of their labor would be eliminated. Thus the fall passed with the squirrel colony in gay celebration. All except one. Fuzzy Face, the squirrel mentioned first, was a shrewd individual. He was hard at work storing away more and still more nuts. Somehow he felt would have future need for them. In the spring the predictions of the squirrels were fulfilled in that the nut trees were bedecked with many blossoms. But one day, a sudden and terrific windstorm came and blew off almost all the blos­soms. The nut crop was des­troyed ! With the coming of autumn and the appearance of only a few nuts on the trees came the realization that the food supply would not last a week — Much less a winter. This was the opportunity Fuzzy Face had waited for. He announced to them he had saved a few nuts from the last harvest and that he would sell some. He promised each squirrel to see him thru the winter if he would relinquish all rights to his nut trees. All of the squirrels, half starved, eagerly agreed as they figured that the trees were useless now. Since Fuzzy Face had saved a tremendous amount of nuts while the others idled last harvest, he soon bought up all the colonies’ trees. But his fellow suirrels praised him for being so merciful as to furnish them food. Came another spring. And another fall. This time the trees bore a fair amount of nuts. But when the squirrels went as per custom to gather them, they were astounded at seeing signs on the trees to “keep off.” They soon learned that Fuzzy was determined to retain possession of the trees as he had posted strong squir rels to ward them off and pro­tect his interests. In a daze of bewilderment, the squirrels, very hungry, again went to Fuzzy Face, who thereupon ex­plained to them that the trees were legally his, but, he would give them some nuts as wages if they would render to him certain services. These services consisted of picking the nuts, staring then in Fuzzy’s bins, acting az Fuzzy’s personal ser­vants, or enlisting in the corps of the nu.t guard. What were the squirrels to do? But a man cannot argue on an empty stomach so they accepted the terms of the tyrant. They had to work or starve. Fuzzy governs the colony with a cruel hand, or rather paw. Came the time when he Finally passed away. Most of the old squirrels, to, have died. A younger generation has sprung up but there is a Fuzzy Face Junior to govern them. A son much like his father. One effect of Fuzzy’s exploi­tation was. That the youngsters were more agressive than their pa­rents were. They Bitetrly com­plained that a few squirrels should be royally supported by many squirrels who had to toil everlastingly for scarcely enough food on which to live. But what could they do? They Couldn’t fight Fuzzy’s guards. In the third year of Junior Fuzzy’s reign, conditions got so bad that the squirrels, weak from hunger, could barely climb the trees. They even stopped mating so no more squirrels would be born to suffer the ruler’s exploitation. Finally, heads were put to­gether and a plot formed to overthorw the big shot. They might die in the attempt but they would die by starving any­way if matters would continue. On the day of the revolt, Junior lies abed in his tree but is aroused by a great commo­tion. He summons in a passerby and hears that the workers have taken over the trees and are advancing to take the store­houses. “But the guards — the guards” sputters Junior, “why aren’t they protecting my nut trees... my property?” Well. Your Majesty,” says the squir­rel. “The guards finally realiz­ed that they are of the same blood as we workers so they, too, have joined the General Strike. The shouting you hear is the colony coming to pay their respects to you before taking things over. You and your kind have had control long enough. Now, if you don’t mind — which you probably do — I’ll dash down and open your door for them.” J. S. of Detroit. COMMENT: Don’t you usually settle in a comfortable chair with a pleas­ant wiggle when you have a copy of the Bérmunkás turned to the Jr. Column and see “J. S. of Detroit?” Don’t you usually anticipate a “keen” story . . . and are you ever disappointed I hope never been. And this one is “Shinell.” Anne Zsamar, Jr. Ed. Lindway alapra a magyar gyiijtőiveken befolyt összegek nyugtázása 207 sz. gyüjtőiv. S. Gafrik, Chicago, 50c. 213 sz. gyüjtőiv: A Török Chicago: B. Horváth $1.00, A. Török $1.00. 224 sz. gyüjtőiv: A Hosszú, Chicago, $1.00. 230 sz. gyüjtőiv: P. Ivi 50c. 465 sz. gyüjtőiv: John Zima- nyi, Cleveland, O. J. Zimanyi 50c., F. Doktor 25c., Éva Doktor 25c., R. Schneider 25c. 597 sz. gyüjtőiv: John Pa- taky, Brooklyn, N. Y. $1.00. 1045 sz. gyüjtőiv: Jós. Kol­lár, Cleveland, O. Junior Wobb­ly Orchestra $4.00, J. Kollár $2.00, F. Pusztai $2.00. 1094 sz. gyüjtőiv: A. Gon- da, Long Island City, N. Y. $1.00. 1348 sz. gyüjtőiv: Paul So­mogyi, Cleveland, O. Z. Deák 10c., Z. Szabados 10c., O. Bér 25c., P. Somogyi 15c., Prager J. 25c., B. Révész 25c., L. Fi­sher 25c., Orbán 25c., Kochak 10c., Cherney 10c., A. Szabó 10c., A Chiga 10c., Grecs 25c., Pacser 10c., Takách 10c., S. Doszpolj 10c., J. Tóth 10c., J. Horváth 10c., A. Büknél 16c., Proletár 10c. 1362 sz. gyüjtőiv: Mike Szi­lágyi, Cleveland, O. J. Szilágyi $1.00, S. Radies 50c., J. Pncse 10c., A. Orosz 10c., F. Bátor 50c., L. Nagy 25c., J. Dolny 25c., J. Baer 25c., J. Sata 15c., Ste­ve Radies $1.00, V. Lakó 50c., A. Forsthoffer 25c., A Bear 50c., C. Schbeider 50c., S. Wekker 50c., A. Érnek 50c., A. Vágó 25c., D. Kucsinka 25c., W. Fan- csalszky 35c., J. Wite 25c., J. Pecsők 50c., A. Pecsők 25c., A. Tálos 30c., S. Rist 25c., J. Orosz 10c., J. Lif 10c., E. Heide 10c., A. Ripple 10c., A. Strub 25 c., G. Heide 10c., C. Mayer 15c., A. Gasler 25c., F. Stelzer $1.00, W. Kané 25., M. Kózser 25c., Olvashatatlan nevek 10, 15, 25, 25, 25c. 1383 sz. gyüjtőiv: A. Was- sie, Cleveland, O. $1.00. 1471 sz. gyüjtőiv: Dénes Szil veszter, Detroit, Mich. A. Só­lyom 10c., John Dénes 50c., J. Kováts 25c., C. Cepnik 50c., Jánossi 25c., S. István 50c., S. Dénes 50c., Mrs. Cseszley 25c. 1608 sz. gyüjtőiv: M. Cha- nyi, Chicago, $1.00. 378 sz. gyüjtőiv: Mrs. Rose Molnár, Los Angales Cal. Mrs. P. Molnár 50c., Mrs. J. Molnár 50c., A. Vass 50c., J. Smith 50c., J. Akerberg 50c., Mrs. Vass 50c., J. Papp 50c., S. János 25c., J. Stefán 25c., A Végh 25c., L. Becsnyődy 25c., R. Pap 50c., J. Albrecht 25c., J. Németh 25c., J. Papp 25c., L. Nagy 25c,. Julius Simon $1.00, E. Stott 25c., A. Pachy $1.00, A. Hor­váth 50c., J. Barnosky 50c., E. Schweler 50c., Jos. Dick 25c., Fred Ralhpeser 25c., A. Petus 25c., J. Sipos 25c., M. Vass 25c. WPA hírek A beígért hangzatos bér ja­vítás megérkezett a clevelandi WPA munkásoknak. A bér javí­tás abból áll, hogy a havi 132 óra helyett 121 órát fognak dolgozni, a fizetés marad a ré­gi $60.50-től amely a labor fi­zetés, $103.50-ig, amely a leg­magasabb fizetés. 28.000 em­bert érint ez a bér javításnak nevezett dolog, igaz ugyan, hogy ebből a bér javításból még egy fogpiszkálóra sem jut a WPA munkásoknak, ugyanakkor Ni­les, O.-ból jön a hire annak, hogy ottan meg a munkaidőt felemelték 132 óráról 134 órá­ra havonta és óránként 45 cen­tet fizetnek. Ugylátszik az igazság osztás erősen dolgozik a WPA munkásokon, de a jelek azt mutatják, hogy a WPA munkások inkább tiltakoznak, mintsem hogy szervezkednének. On Sunday, aug. 9, there will be a PICNIC at Edenwald Park, under auspices of the 330 Branch. Proceeds are for the 120 strike and organiza­tion work. IWW akroni magyar csoportja gyűléseit tartja minden hó első vasárnapján, pontosan d. e. 9 órai kezdettel a Ma­gyar Házban. Olvasás után adja lapunkat szomszédjának

