Bérmunkás, 1936. július-december (24. évfolyam, 900-925. szám)

1936-07-18 / 902. szám

8 oldai 1936 julius 18. Lindway alapra a magyar gyiijtőiveken befolyt összegek nyugtázása junior Column Junior Wobblies Union Convention 149. sz. gyüjtőiv: E. J. Havel, Garfield, N. J. — E Havel $1.00, Werger 10c., Teller 25c., Che- nes 10c., Negele 25c. 233. sz. gyüjtőiv: Lengyel Gyula, St. Louis. — Elsie Len­gyel $1.00, Julius Lengyel $1.00, Karl G. 50c. 329. sz. gyüjtőiv: M. Angyal gyűjtése: M. Angyal 50c., N. Knob 25c., E. Solya 15c., E. Weissmann 25c., Mrs. Fried­man 15c., Swistok 25c., A. Andrade 25c., J. Tirpák 50c. 390. sz. gyüjtőiv: John Pri- mixl, Los Angeles, Cal. gyűj­tése. — J. Koncsek 50c., M. Wildan 25c., Mrs. Paszty 25c., J. Kiss 25c., J. Fogarassy 25c., V. Kelecsényi 25c., J Bodogh 25c., K. Farkas 25c., N. N. 25c., L. Hayer 25c., S. Balogh 25c., G. Thury 25c., M. Kiss 25c., Mrs. Frayt 10c., S. Kovach 20c., J. Horváth 25c., L. Blahm 25c., F. Ruzsiesky 25c., Zs. Macz 25c., J. Timer 25c., B. Gazdik 25c., S. Arv 25c., J. Cser 25c., R. Stengler 20c., M. Reiss- man 10c., J. Elhirn 25c., Eli­zabeth Kish 25c., S. Molnár 25c., J. Felwaltz 25c., G. Feke­te 10c., P. Török 25c., Arek 25c., Szabó 50c., Ronazik 10c., Lei­tol 50c., A. Novák 20c., J. Ma- rer 25c., F. Lind 25c., A Ada- mi 15c., S. Barna 10c., S. Bar­na 10c., J. Primixl 15c. 399. sz. gyüjtőiv: J. Széché­nyi, Akron, O. — P. Németh 5c., J. Hegyi 15c., J. Wigand 10c., J. Széchényi $1.00, S. Ju­hász 10c., J Széchényi 10c. 427. sz. gyüjtőiv: M. Stefan- kó, New York. — M. Stefankó $2.00. 431. sz. gyüjtőiv: G. Rauch, Akron, O. — G. Rauch $1.00, A. Gömöry 50c., D. Zimmerman 50c., H. C. M. 25c., J Sáros 15c., J. Walter 25c., J. Wegres 25c., J. Faragó 25c., S. Plamik 50c., S. Estok 50c., L. Roczei 25c., L. Farkas 50c., Rauch 10c. 457. sz. gyüjtőiv: G. Cson­ka $1.00. 549. sz. gyüjtőiv: S. Varga, Buffalo, N. Y. — S. Varga 50c., R. Chopin 10c., R. Shilten- worth 10c., L. Szűr 25c., J. Friend 25c., R. Jones 25c., F. Harbor 25c., C. Kachow 25c., J. Hundry 10c., F. Kiss 50c., G. Radetich 25c., N. Knegerli 10c. 592. sz. gyüjtőiv: John Fried­man, Berwick, Pa. — L. Ne­meth 25c., J. Freideman 15c., Szabó I. 15c., tiz centeket ad­tak: B. Barta, L. Verenda, Jan­csik J., Csók J., Pataki J., Si­mon N., Egri J., Shiba C., Ta­kács J., Gilece S., R. Felix, Haida G., Bándics L., Bacsárdi M. , Benish M., öt centeket ad­tak : Csonka I., Ágoston S., Ugró J. 610. sz. gyüjtőiv: J. Rosko- vits, Bronx, N. Y. — Bertha Roskovits $2.00, Vic. Kristyan $1.00, Olga Roskovits $1.00, Peggy Gonn $1.00, Ernandez 25c., Roskovits $2.00. 633. sz. gyüjtőiv :> L. Hodor $1.00. 764. sz. gyüjtőiv: Jos. Wei­dinger $1.00. 712. sz. gyüjtőiv: John Éliás, S. Bend, Ind. — P. Major 25c., Főző Gy. 25c., John Elias 50c. 768. sz. gyüjtőiv: Steve Bú­za, McKeesrocks, Pa. — Mrs. Búza 50c., S. Búza 50c., M. Ig­nat 50c., F. Stangl 50c., A. Ha- raby 25c., J. Barna 25c., J. Gadacsy 25c., M. Tomko $1.00, G. Nyikos 50c., F. Kurtz 50c., F. Korc 50c., A. Domby 20c., Hajtó A. 50c. 796. sz. gyüjtőiv: M. Val- lach 30c., Howard 10c., J. Ma- ruzil 20c., C. Lorenz 10c., L. Lorenz 10c., S. Sukitsch 20c. 866. sz. gyüjtőiv: John Ne­mes $1.00. 872. sz. gyüjtőiv: P. Berkes 25c., N. N. 25c., J. Tóth 10c., L. Tóth 10c„ M. Tarr 10c., J. Simon 10c. 964. sz. gyüjtőiv: Steve Ru- ka $1.00. 269. sz. gyüjtőiven: Az Ame­rikai Magyar Református Egy­let 222. számú fiók $5.00. 1046. sz. gyüjtőiv: Mrs. Ju­lia Horváth és leánya $1.00. 1100. sz. gyüjtőiv: Mrs. F. Tóth $1.00. 1142. sz. gyüjtőiv: Alex Alexay, Akron, O. — A. Alexay $1.00, Jundilak $1.00, B. Bod- lay 50c., J. Gaylor 50c., H. Bod- lay 30c., J. Horvath 25c., P. Dekány 10c., J. Hunt 50c., E. Hynick 50c., M. Kiss 25c., A. Havas 25c., B. Stewart 25c., J. Cuchecky 25c., A. Gredick 50c., C. Németh 50c., M. House 25c,. Berta Tony $1.00, N. N. 50c., J. F. 25c. 1229. sz. gyüjtőiv: Beküldte A. Alakszay, Akronból, N. N. M. $10.00. 1148. sz. gyüjtőiv: Choma Mi­hály. — Maragno Amadia $1.00, R. Pacifico $1.50, Deák J. 20c., A. Heysza 25c., A. Pavlch 10c., M. Markus 25c. 1350. sz. gyüjtőiv, beküldte J. Kollar, Cleveland, O. — C. Wagner $1.00, E. Mider 50c., G. Mészáros $1.00. MEGJELENT! RHETORIKAI KÉZI KÖNYV HOGYAN KELL Cikket írni Olvasni Beszélni Szavalni Vitatkozni Gyűlést vezetni. Hasznos minden munkásnak, minden egyleti tagnak. A 64 oldalas könyv ára 10c. Megrendelhető: BÉRMUNKÁS 3912 Sta. S. S. Cleveland, O. In a two day session where the apparant lack of delegates was made up for by the enth­usiastic and constructive spirit of those present, the Junior Wobblies’ Union of the IWW held its First General Consti­tutional Convention in Cleve­land, Ohio, an July 4 and 5. One of the more important points considered and deliber­ated upon, was the adoption of an entirely new constitution which took into account the following: — that six months after any Junior Wobbly is regularly em­ployed in industry, he or she shall be automatically required to join the IWW — that any Junior Wobbly who has joined the IWW and still wishes to retain his JWU membership will not be per­mitted to hold any official pos­ition in the JWU — that the present system of organizing the youth was unsatisfactory and that two ideas proposed for the solu­tion of this problem be accept­ed. (1) that the National Organ­ization Committe (the execut­ive board) of the JWU be re­organised so that each member take charge of a district and see that the efforts af the de­legates and locals in that dist­rict be coordinated in the drive for new members. (2) that the convention re­quest the General Executive Board of the IWW to permit the Junior Wobblies’ Union to is­sue JWU delegates credentials to any IWW delegate who may wish to carry them in view of the fact that the Nat. Org. Comm, of the JWU is handicap- ed in the immense size of the country and the diffeculty in sending out organizers and delegates. Realizing that it was exceed­ingly difficult to organize the children between the ages of nine and fourteen because they could not participate in activ­ities indulged in by the older members, it was decided that each Junior Wobbly local hold a series of study classes espe­cially designed to attract those of that age. The convention also went on record as favoring the plan of having the Young RECRUIT printed every month and to devise a system whereby the paper would have an Associate Board of Editors to work with the Editor — in Chief in pub­lishing it. At the request of the Editor of the Hungarian IWW weekly, the BÉRMUN­KÁS, the convention delegates agreed to appoint an Editor for the Junior Column and chose Arthur Weinberg, present edit­or of the Young Recruit, for the position. The following resolution, which is quoted in full in an effort to publicize the stand of the JWU on war, was passed unaminously; “War is a product of our economic order, It is capital’s legal way of stealing new mar­kets and gaining more profits. It is the arch enemy of the working class. WHEREAS it is the workers who produce war paraphernalia and it is they and their youth that is used as cannon fodder, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED that the JWU propagandize the idea of workers calling a General Strike in time of war and that all young people and workers ref­use to enlist in the army, refuse to fight in a capitalist war.” All of the motions and reso­lutions passed by the convention must be passed upon by a gen­eral referendum to the memb­ers of the JWU before they become effective. Since the very beginning of the class struggle, which is more aptly termed class war, it should have been realized that the working class, in order to gain their revolutionary ob­jective, the overthrow of the class system and the establish­ment of a classless society, must also educate its youth in the best manner of warfare, since they are the up and coming slaves of the capitalis­tic system. This the Junior Wobblies’ Union has done and will continue to do to the best of its ability until the morn­ing when such things need no longer be — the dawning of the Industrial Commonwealth. Pub. Committee. Nagy Gulyás Piknik New Yorkban: Az eső miatt el­halasztott GULYÁS PIKNIK Most vasárnap julius 19-én lesz megtartva az Edenwald erdőben. Frissen készült gulyás készen lesz pont 12 órára. Szórakozta­tó játékok. Nagy cigány- zenekar. Belépti dij nincs. Vegye a Lexington Ave. Subwayt az E. 180-ik utcáig és onnét a Westchester vonaton a Dyer Ave. állomásig. Vagy pedig a 3rd Ave. “L”-t a 133-ik utcáig és onnét a Westchester vonalon a Dyer Ave. állomásig, ahol jelzőtáblák mutatják az utat a helyig. Autón jövők a Boston Post Roadon végig a Dyer Aveig. Olvasás után adja lapunkat szomszédjának B É R M ^ n KÁS

