Armuth Miklós - Lőrinczi Zsuzsa (szerk.): A Budapesti Műszaki és Gazdaságtudományi Egyetem Történeti Campusa (Budapest, 2023)

Előszó - Preface

FOREWORD This book, which is in the Reader's hands, presents an architectural and con­struction history of the Technical University (bounded by Gellért Square, Budafoki Road, Bertalan Lajos Street and the University Quay). Commonly known as the Technical University, its name was derived from the "Royal Joseph Technical University" later named Budapest University of Technology and Economics. In 1896 an area of land in Lágymányos was designated for the construction of the new University, occupied in part by suburban brickworks, distilleries or on land previously reclaimed or awaiting reclamation from the river. Today, along the Danube, grew an area of the city which in relationship to the uni­versity, its gardens and public parks has a special atmosphere, sense of dignity and desirability. The Campus was established between 1902 and 1909 as places of university education and research, only the Geodesic Observatory was demolished as a result of exten­sive damage incurred in World War II. The first three chapters describe the situ­ation that lead to the birth of the Campus: historical development of European universities, establishment of the Technical University, predecessors and locations of former institutions and a history of the Lágymányos site. A detailed discussion of the circumstance and development of the Campus, individual buildings and the university gardens from inception to the present, covering names of buildings past and present from planning application stage onwards. Names are provided in their official form and in abbreviation. The last three chapters cover the works on the Campus of three architecture professors: Győző Czigler, Alajos Hauszmann and Samu Pecz. Their respective work is memorable at the university Campus amongst other notable Budapest buildings in the former monarchy. Today’s Budapest would be inconceivable without their built contributions. As university teachers their works had a decisive role in the domestic education of architects, public activities and selfless service towards the creation of the Hungarian archi­tectural and engineering society. Drawing inspiration from foreign examples, collaboration with their professor peers in the fields of engineering, mechanical engineering and chemistry, to unite in creation of this Technical University. From every point of view this work was astonishing. This book has been compiled by many within and without the University. For those who kindly pro­vided help and support in this we offer our gratitude to everyone involved. This volume is intended to be a worthy representation of the Technical University, Faculty of Architecture and Department of History of Architecture and Munument Preservation. The extent of these works are limited in each chapter. It is hopeful that in the foreseeable future a more complete, architectural and historical study will be completed in greater detail regarding this group of buildings. THE EDITORS

