Armuth Miklós - Lőrinczi Zsuzsa (szerk.): A Budapesti Műszaki és Gazdaságtudományi Egyetem Történeti Campusa (Budapest, 2023)

Az egyetem kert és a kerítés - The University Garden and the Fence Zsembery Ákos

2 2 U The street-facing part of the fence closing the court d'honneur-like grand courtyard em­braced by three wings of the building had to be remodelled owing to the development of the flat-roof Atomic Physics (FA) Building which was constructed then. Thus by omitting the former threefold main gate, a new two-fold entrance was built towards Budafoki Road. Whilst extending the building of the Engines Laboratory in 1951 and 1952, part of the south­western fence was pulled down and a pedestrian entrance was built next to the gate opening from here by integrating one of the demolished posts on the side towards Bertalan Lajos Street. No data is available about the date when the three-fold gate was built in front of the street facade of the MT Building. Most probably, it was meant to complete a newer gate of the MT Building, as simultaneously with this the gate between the MT and MM-MG Buildings was widened. In November, 1971 the experimental model to be builtforthe pur­poses of the Department of Hydraulic Engineering in front of the northern facade of the MM-MG Building to facilitate studies of the sluice system of the Gabcikovo-Nagymaros dam was approved. The park underwent further revisions after the change of the political system. The Soviet monument was pulled down, the dining barracks were replaced by a park area with a newly built descending structure to the underground book depot, the appearance of which is more than objectionable. The alleys are flanked by sculptures representing famous professors of the university. Some of the ornate stone details once gracing the garden now enrich the corners of the green areas. The park surrounding the monument erected in honour of the heroes fallen in World War I was remodelled. In 1995 fuel depots were furnished for the purpose of the engine testing laboratory of the Vehicle Engineering Institute on the areas between the K and MM-MG Buildings. The underground shaft built now contained two 500 litre tanks and a pump. In 2006 a monument to honourthe 1956 revolution was built on the Danube side in the entrance between the Central and MM-MG Buildings by terminating one of the eastern main entrances of the garden and integrating its columns as parts of the sculptural composition. At the same time, on the 50th anniversary of the 1956 revolution anothersculpturalart-piecewas inaugurated in memory of the silent protest in the park next to the K Building. With its giant trees, well-combed greeneries the present-day park of the Campus is not only a favourite place of students, the staff and people living nearby: as an historic setting it has attracted several film crews as well.

