Urbs - Magyar várostörténeti évkönyv 4. (Budapest, 2009)


471 TABLE OF CONTENTS USAGE OF SPACE AND VIEWS ON SPACE Veronika Novák: Space usage research - methods and opportunities. The study of social space in the history of medieval and early modern towns . . 11 András Végh: The medieval topography of Buda - plot division and spatial organisation in a newly-founded town....................................................................35 Orsolya Mészáros: New topographical insights into the south urban core of the late medieval town of Visegrád (2003-2004 excavations) .......................51 Ju dit Majorossy: The elements of the civic usage of space in late medieval Pressburg................................................................................................73 Tamás Fedeles: Urban structure and space usage in medieval Pécs..........................99 Ka talin Éder: Market towns and parish churches in medieval Hegyalja................123 Lilla B. Benkhard: Topographical issues in Kőszeg in the medieval and early modern periods (Jurisics tér: institutions, dwelling houses and inhabitants in the light of building history research)....................................149 Dóra Kuzma: Space usage in 16th century Besztercebánya (Banská Bistrica) . . . 169 Adrienn Papp: The development of Tabán during the Ottoman Occupation .... 185 Roland Perényi: Dens of Sin and Squalor. Locations of poverty and crime in Budapest at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries..........................................205 Er zsébet Magyar: Budapest’s parks and their communities (1870-1918)............. 227 Ág nes Nagy: Housing: the boundary of private and public affairs in the early “people’s democracy” (Strife in a Budapest divided house between 1946 and 1949)....................................................................................................... 257 Ágota Lídia Ispán: Usage of space and urban image in Leninváros..........................285 Tí mea N. Kovács: “Learning to live”, or the birth of Uránváros.............................309 Bo ldizsár Vörös: The Real Street of an Imaginary Captain. The honouring of Captain Gusev and his comrades with a commemorative plaque and the name of a street in central Budapest, 1949-1990 .................................... 319

