Urbs - Magyar Várostörténeti Évkönyv 9. (Budapest, 2014)


332 Abstracts of Buda and Pest. In the turn of century Budapest the use of the public places was controlled by several ordinances. The detection and of course sanctioning of the prob­able violations were in the police’s jurisdiction. The present paper reviews the types of transgression connected to the use of public place based on police crime statistics and archival records. Moreover, it presents concrete cases as well through discussing not only judicial documents, but sources which are informative despite the fact that they remained in fragments, such as the docket of the police of Víziváros created in 1876. Since no written record of the most of the conflicts caused by irregular use of the public places is known to be in existence, the scope of the research was expanded to the wider range of irregular actions, for instance the vagrancy and begging are examined as the “abnormal” use of the urban places. ISTVÁN GERGELY SZŰTS „I meet perfectly the requirements” Résumés supplied to the Herend Porcelain Manufactory PLC as examples of norms (1930-1939) In the second half of the 1930s on average 6-8 employees worked in the pilot plant of the Herend Porcelain Manufactory PLC in Budapest. From time to time some of the la­bourers were fluctuated. The management tried to supply the officers who left the com­pany through advertising the jobs and numerous résumés were submitted. The office located in the capital and its business structure required relatively special knowledge and experience from the candidates. As one part of the working hours was dominated by communication with the clients (negotiating, marketing, handling of complaints), not only the theoretical knowledge, but for example the appearance and the appropriate attitude mattered as well. One can ask that what sort of declared or undeclared expectations did the employer, namely the porcelain manufactory with a special profile set towards the applicants? Moreover question could be that by what kind of perceived or actual norms did they build up their résumés? The advertisements in each case appeared in the press as short lines, thus the applicants had to create the most sympathetic picture about themselves according to the said ads and the existing image of the porcelain manufactory. There were certain criteria of the form of the résumés, but these written introductions give

