100 éve nyílt meg a Budapesti Magyar Királyi Kertészeti Tanintézet. Dokumentumok a felsőbb szintű kertészképzés történetéből I. 1894-1944 - A Kertészeti és Élelmiszeripari Egyetem Központi Könyvtárának Kiadványai 1. (Budapest, 1995)


Centenary of foundation of the Royal Hungarian Horticultural College (Documents of the history of the horticultural higher education 1894-1944. I.) Summary The practical and theoretical foundation of the Hungarian horticultural education is connected with Ferentz Entz’ s name. The private school founded by him in 1853 was the first legal predecessor of the University. The transformation of Viticulture School in 1894 was an important change in the 142-year-long history of our institution. The reorganization is probably connected with the necessity of modernization. Horticultural utilization of vineyards destroyed by phylloxera was its antecedent. In 1890 István Molnár, who was the director of the Viticulture School, was entrusted by count András Bethlen, Minister of Agriculture, with the central organization of horticultural technical directing. András Bethlen decided to reorganize the School into Growers’ Technical School of Horticulture in 1892. Dezső Angyal who, as the disciple of Ferenc Entz was the life and soul of the school directed the reorganization. On the 25 th of November 1894 the Growers’ Technical School was opened. It became a model school of European niveau. Its name Changed to Horticultural Academy in 1939 and to College of Horticulture and Viticulture in 1943. During this period of time the director was Mátyás Mohácsy. The war had checked a promising development ... This históriai source-publication-reflecting the documents in the Archives belonging to the Central Library of the University of Horticulture and Food Industry shows the history of the Horticultural College on the occasion of the centenary of its foundation. 105

