Emlékszám Az 1848-49-es forradalom és szabadságharc tiszteletére - Baranya. Történelmi és honismereti folyóirat. 11-12. évfolyam (1998-1999)

Pordán Ildikó: A törökországi emigráció és „hétköznapjai" László Károly és Perczel Miklós naplóiban

EVERYDAY LIFE OF THE IMMIGRANTS IN TURKEY, AS REFLECTED IN THE WRITINGS OF KÁROLY LÁSZLÓ AND MIKLÓS PERCZEL Ildikó Pordán Kossuth and his followers' exile is a well researched topic in the Hungarian historiography dealing with the period after the collapse of the Freedom Fight. One reoccurring question in these works; is which choice of a politician is more acceptable: staying in Hungary, bearing the consequences and live an everyday life - or leaving the country with the hope of return, or (without this hope) live their one and only live in exile. The author applies a psychohistorical approach to give an answer this question. The personal life cannot be distinguished from history, and a crisis period in history can deepen a personal crisis: for an immigrant finding a (new) identity is a painful task. From the aspect of the identity the immigrants in Turkey were different from the ones in America, since they lived in one community. The drawback of this situation was, for example, rivalry, such as between Mór Perczel and Lajos Kossuth. The 19 th century was a golden age of memoir literature. The works of Kár­oly László, secretary of Kossuth, and Miklós Perczel gave a picture of the bright and dark sides of everyday life, apart from describing politics.

