Emlékszám Az 1848-49-es forradalom és szabadságharc tiszteletére - Baranya. Történelmi és honismereti folyóirat. 11-12. évfolyam (1998-1999)

Dobos Gyula: Perczelek az 1848/49-es forradalomban és szabadságharcban

THE PERCZEL FAMILY IN THE 1848-1849 REVOLUTION AND FREEDOM FIGHT Gy. Dobos The study describes some members of the Perczel family of Tolna county during these formative years of the country, based on archival documents. Mainly the branch of Gábor took part actively in the political life and some of the Gábor branch. The unique feature of the family is that some members were loyal to the Hapsburgs and later held posts in the neoabsolutist era ­others supported the new government and fought for the nation. Some members were sent to prison, some could emigrate and one member became a Minister after 1867.

