Az Ember, 1939 (14. évfolyam, 17. szám)
1939-04-29 / 17. szám
Ápriils 29, 1939. “AZ EMBER” VILÁGKIÁLLÍTÁSI SZÁMA 3-ik (Idái A newyorki világkiállítás vezérkara DERSO AND KELEN RAJZAI “AZ EMBER” SZÁMÁRA O cum) GROVER WHALEN President Derso and Kelen, a világhírű magyar rajzoló művészek, a "Ken” zseniális munkatársai, “Az Ember” számára lerajzolták a new yorki világkiállítás vezérkarát, élükön Grover A. Whalennel. EDWARD F. ROOSEVELT Director of Foreign Participation HOWARD A. FLANIGEN Vice President ALBIN JOHNSON Commissioner for Europe Col. JOHN P. HOGAN Chief Engineer [Gix+%WILLIAM F. LAMB Chairman, Board of Design STEPHEN F. VOORHEES Chief Architect Grover A. Whalen Az Ember olvasóihoz GROVER A. WHALEN, a világkiállítás elnöke a következő táviratot küldötte kedd este “Az Ember” szerkesztőjének: FERENC GÖNDÖR, Editor “Az Ember” 320 East 79th Street, New York City. Your request for a personal message from me to your readers is typical of the increasing enthusiasm with which the New York World’s Fair is being greeted. In these final days of opening the Fair in accord with our promises to the public and when the demand for personal state= ments reaches a flood stage I believe it my duty to give my entire time to administrative work. Will you there= fore accept this statement as an expression of my sincere appreciation of your great interest in the Fair and convey to your readers the following: “Welcome to the Fair. The New York World’s Fair is not only a place of unparallelled entertainment, but it is important enough to alter the course of World History for the better. In the circumstances the attendance and approval of the greatest possible number of visitors will imprint the lesson of the Fair upon human consciousness and guarantee its success as a force in building the World of tomorrow. The Fair has been provided with every facility for your comfort and 1 can assure all of our visitors of a most courteous reception.” Feel free to publish all or part of this telegram. GROVER A. WHALEN, President N. Y. World’s Fair 1939 Inc. — - 1