Prékopa Ágnes (szerk.): Ars Decorativa 32. (Budapest, 2018)

Miklós GÁLOS: An Antonio Tempesta Rediscovered in the Collection of the Museum of Applied Arts, Budapest

pácolt berakott díszíí reneszánsz stíles keretben, amelyből a berakás kihullott. Német, XVI. sz[ázad]. v[égej. The dimensions given in the inventory: length 0.40. width 0.171 m. The latter measurement is clearly a mistake. The length of the frame with the hinges (see below) should presumably have been recorded as 0.71 meters. 44 Deletion number: 16-1/62. 45 At the same time, the large-scale revision may have been somewhat superficial; many objects deleted from the inventory were later found. 46 Höllrigl 1935, p. 374. 47 Cimeliotheca Musei Nationalis Hungariei sive Catalogus historico-criticus antiquitatum, raritatum, et pretiosorum cum bibliotheca antiquaria, et numaria eiusdem instituti. Buda, 1825. 48 Collectio imaginum, anaglyphorum, et monumentorum e lapide, ebore, ligno etc. elaboratorum, e collectione Spectabiiis Domini Nicolai Jankovich Museo Naţionali Hungarico resignatorum. Magyar Nemzeti Múzeum, Régészeti Adattár [Hungarian National Museum Archaeology Database] (hereafter: Inventarium imaginum), No. 1. 49 Imago oblonga transparens, super achate, opere italico, secuii 16-ti parata, exhibens uno latere Paradisum, altero Traiectum Pharaonis per mare rubrum. 50 Nouspensonspar contre que (...) notre tableau serait passé lui aussi de la dite collection au Musée National. A plus forte raison qu’en 1825 il ne figuráit pas encore dans la collection de ce musée, et qu 'a notre avis il est identique avec le tableau peint sur marbre, enregistré en 1838. Czobor 1962, pp. 58-59. 51 Czobor 1962, note 18. 52 Höllrigl 1935, p. 380. 53 Collomb 2006, No. 67, Lohff 2015, p. 186. 54 Inventarium imaginum No. 45 és 46: Effigies duae super lapide lazuló pictae, una creationem Adami, alia expulsionem e Paradiso representantes, - circumdatae lamina cuprea inauratae; in circumferentia lignea nigra. 55 Inventarium imaginum No. 100 és 101: Duae effigies in lapide achate lazuló mixta coloribus oleaceis pictae, quarum una ducem Venetum pileatum, altera bacchantes exhibet; altitudine 7 pollicum; cum circumferentia cuprea inaurata, dein ligno nigro provisa. Since agate and lapis lazuli are both silicates, Jankovich’s mistake cannot be considered serious. 56 Unfortunately, the whereabouts of items 45-46 and 100-101 on lapis lazuli in the Inventarium imaginum are unknown. 57 Inventar der geistlichen Schatzkammer, 23 February 1758. Quoted in: Zimmermann, Heinrich: ‘Inventare, Acten und Regesten aus der Schatzkammer des Allerhöchsten Kaiserhauses.’ In: Jarhbuch des Kunsthistorischen Sammlungen des Allerhöchsten Kaiserhauses, 16 vol., Vienna, 1895 (hereafter: Zimmermann 1895), Nr. 12623, pp. I-LIX. 58 Ein grosse zerbrochene faconirte lapislazuliplatten, auf welcher der durchzug deren Israeliten durch das Rothe Meer gemahlen, in einer mit silber eingelegten rahme von ebenholz; ober der rahm ist die auszierung samt denen zwei engein von silber gemacht. Szabolcs Serfőző kindly called my attention to the item description. 59 Zimmermann 1895, p. XXVI. A portion of the relics taken at that time by Maria Theresa were returned to the treasury in 1781 in extremely damaged condition (Zimmermann 1895, Nr. 12649). For more, see: Hassmann, Elisabeth: ‘Die k. k. Sammlungen unter Maria Theresa und Joseph II. mit einem Ausblick auf die Zeit um 1800.’ In: Jarbuch des Kunsthistorischen Museums Wien Bd. 15-16 (2013-2014), pp. 15-45 (hereafter: Hassmann 2013-2014), p. 31, ill. Dok. 488. 60 Hassmann 2013-2014, p. 31. Two private altars with reliquaries were acquired by the Benedictine Abbey of Pannonhalma. See: Takács, Imre, Szovák, Kornél, Monostori, Martina (eds.): Mons sacer 996-1996. Pannonhalma 1000 éve, I - III, Pannonhalma, 1996, Cat. C.2-3, p. 160-163 (Erika Kiss). The private altar with reliquary described in cabinet 9, entry 1, of the 1753 inventory of the Geistliche Schatzkammer can be found today in the Treasury of the Diocese of Kalocsa. (This information was kindly provided by Szabolcs Serfőző). 33

