Prékopa Ágnes (szerk.): Ars Decorativa 32. (Budapest, 2018)

Miklós GÁLOS: An Antonio Tempesta Rediscovered in the Collection of the Museum of Applied Arts, Budapest

5. Antonio Tempesta: The Crossing of the Red Sea, oil on lapis laiuli, Budapest, Museum of Applied Arts. Condition in which it was discovered (verso) 6. The support with its plaster additions, photo: Agnes Kuna granates, rosettes, and ribbon and bouquet decorations. (Figs. 3-4) The subject of the painting was immedi­ately apparent: a multi-figural depiction of the Israelites Crossing the Red Sea. (Fig. 5) The first impression was largely deter­mined by the main figure of Moses, whose head was clumsily rendered. Yet, it was 11

