Prékopa Ágnes (szerk.): Ars Decorativa 30. (Budapest, 2016)
Edit DARABOS: Altera Theca continens.A Research Into Historical Leather Cases made for Esterhazy Treasury Items
67 Inv.: MNAD 383, In: ARBETETA 2001, pp. 150-151. and E 146 (probably without matching object), Grünes Gewölbe, Staatliche Kunstsammlungen, Dresden. 68 Seling, Helmut: Augsburger Gold- und Siberscbmiede 1529-1868. München, 2007, Nr. 1573. My thanks go out to Miklós Gálos for the definition of the maker’s mark. Rubbings made of the goblet case are part of the bequest of Eva Koroknay, which is still being processed, Museum of Applied Arts, Archive, dossier 45. 69 A case in the treasury of Louis de Bourbon needs special discussion as it can be associated with an object by Giovanni Battista Metellino (last quarter of 17th century), but several details of the central part of the case, decorated with a fan, are identical with those of the Wirth-goblet, so there is a connection with the Augsburg cases as well. In: Arbeteta 2001, pp. 310-311. 70 The interior of a black velvet-lined case differs only in terms of a few small details from one of the jewellery designs found in the archives of the Esterházy family. In: Kopp, Margit: Barocker Schmuck der Fürsten Esterhazy. Eisenstadt, 2013, p. 45. 71 MNL OL P 125 IV. köteg 52, volume 115, Nr. 11673, Anno 1666 die 1 January Groff Eszterhazi Pal Uram eo kegielme Aranimiuenek ßama. 72 The reconstruction of the library of Ferenc III Nádasdy is the subject of several studies by Noémi Viskolcz. The present reference comes from: VISKOLCZ, Noémi: ‘Nádasdy III. Ferenc gyűjteményei.’ [The collections of Ferenc III Nádasdy.] In: Századok 2010/4, pp. 873-893 (hereafter Viskolcz 2010). 73 University library, Budapest, RMK I 108.2 (coll. RMK I 107.2). This volume featured in the exhibition of book art held in 1882, and a photograph of the binding can be found in the Archive of the Museum of Applied Arts: FLT 2773. 74 The Nádasdy book is very similar to a bookbinding made in Vienna in 1646 as a gift for Ferdinand IV: Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, Cod. 7683, In: Menzel, Maria: Wiener Buchbinder der Barockzeit. Graz, 1972, p. 129, Abb. 11. 75 The research of Noémi Viskolcz has shed light on a bookbinder from Wiener Neustadt who worked for the Nádasdy library. See: Viskolcz 2010, p. 887. Among the Nádasdy library books identified by Noémi Viskolcz, the ornate binding on the work by Káldi is unique, because the majority of Nádasdy’s books were bound in undecorated parchment or blind tooled pigskin: Viskolcz, Noémi: A mecenatúra színterei a főúri udvarban. Nádasdy Ferenc könyvtára [Scenes of patronage in the courts of the nobility. The library of Ferenc Nádasdy.] Szeged, 2013, pp. 87-89. 51