Prékopa Ágnes (szerk.): Ars Decorativa 30. (Budapest, 2016)

Edit DARABOS: Altera Theca continens.A Research Into Historical Leather Cases made for Esterhazy Treasury Items

large Jasper Stemmed Bowl set in enam­elled gold in a large red Case.)10 As can be seen from our example of two rhinoceros horn cups, the ability to trace ob­jects across different inventories does not necessarily lead to conclusive links being es­tablished between the cases recorded and those still in existence. (Fig. 5)2' Paul Ester- házy’s will from 1664 mentions a rhinoceros horn object in the shape of a cup, which he intended to leave to his wife, and which is described in detail in later inventories. ry of 1696 records a case for this item. The inventory made in 1696 also records dam­age to an object made of rhinoceros horn, but there is no trace of this damage visible on the goblets now in Budapest nor on any extant archive photos. With regard to the subject of the study, the lists made when items were removed temporarily from the treasury also furnish us with data. According to the register, al­most all of the objects transported to Po­zsony (now Bratislava, Slovakia) around Table 1. Inventory descriptions of rhinoceros horn objects Inventory of c. 1685 Inventory of 1696 Inventory of 1725 Edgy Rhinocerosbul csinált igen szép feödeles Kupácska. [A very fine covered cup made from Rhinoceros.] Armarium sub Nro 43 et 44. 23. Poculum ex cornu Rhinocerothis cum coperculo varys figuris Almárium 45-46. Nro. 13. Egy vörös tokban tiszta rhinoceros szarvábul való magos pohár. [A tall cup made from pure rhinoceros horn in a red case.] Edgy igen szép Rhinoceros mesterséges lábas pohár. [A very fine crafted Rhinoceros stemmed cup.] Armarium sub Nro 43 et 44. 26. Poculum ex Cornu Rhinocerothis sine Theca Almárium Sub Nris 47 et 48. 49 et 50. Nro 50 Egy vörös tokban Lábon álló Rhinoczeros figurákra ki meczett Labos Pohár. [A Stemmed cup of Rhinoceros carved into figures in a red case.] Edgy igen szép Rhinocerosbul csinált Leány pohár. [A very fine Wedding cup made from Rhinoceros.] Armarium sub Nro 43 et 44. 27. Poculum aluid ex Rhinocerothe cum figuris excisum in Theca Almárium Sub Nris 45 et 46 Nro 12 Egy Rhinoceros Sarvbul való Pohár, az allya arany ezüst, a poharakat egy Leányzó tartja. [A cup from Rhinoceros Horn, with a base of gilt silver, the goblets are held by a Young Lady.] Two cases which are similar to each oth­er can be associated with the first two gob­lets, although the piece described as a Wed­ding cup cannot be identified from either collection today, even though the invento­1708 had their own cases, five of which have been positively identified as part of this project.22 The list of objects selected for delivery to the national assembly in Po­zsony - perhaps for the coronation of the 33

