Szilágyi András (szerk.): Ars Decorativa 28. (Budapest, 2012)

András SZILÁGYI: About the Jewelled Cup in the Esterházy Collection

Casimirus berezeg számára.. The handwritten source, Pál Esterházy's memoirs from the 1670s, is kept in the Hung. National Archives, archive of the princely branch of the Esterházy family. P 125, 53. cs. Nr. 11885. Cited: Merényi, Lajos: Herczeg Esterházy Pál nádor [Palatine Prince Pál Esterházy]. Budapest, 1895 (hereinafter: Merényi 1895), 66. 16 These are obviously the most important questions for our theme. It is similarly unknown and awaiting clarification what happened to the wedding gift sent by the Polish king. For lack of sufficient data, the answers cannot be attempted at the moment. 17 Bécsbe jővén Casimirus herczeg, ... Kismartonba is eljött vala, a'hol nénémasszonyt megh szemlélvén megh szerette, s igen kicsiben múlt, hogy el nem vötte. The sentence is an allusion to Prince Casimir's visit in Kismarton in December 1643. Cited: Merényi 1895, 66. 18 "A purple-blue velvet skirt and bodice set with pearls and diamond jewels, which used to belong to my poor sister Dame Nádasdi, and which I purchased for four thousand five hundred florins. " Handwritten list of artworks appended to Pál Esterházy's last will of 10 March 1685. In: Hung. National Archives, P 108. Rep. 4. Fase. G. Nr. 58. 44. Cited: Pásztor, Emese: 'Oszmán-török textilemlékek a fraknói Esterházy-kincstár gyűjteményében' [Ottoman-Turkish textile remains in the collection of the Esterházy treasury at Fraknó]. In: Pásztor, Emese (ed.): Az Esterházy­kincstár textíliái. Iparművészeti Múzeum, Budapest, 2010,38. 52

