Szilágyi András (szerk.): Ars Decorativa 28. (Budapest, 2012)

Ildikó PANDUR: Links between the Oeuvres of Ödön Lechner and Gyula Jungfer

30 Szalay, Imre: A Magyar Nemzeti Múzeum gyűjteményeinek méltó elhelyezése [Displaying the collections of the Hungarian National Museum as they deserve]. Budapest 1907, 13; Vayer 1940, 284; Fejős 1959, 287; Zoltán Felvinczi Takács compiled two catalogues: "one about the pictures hanging on the walls and sculptures, and another one about the graphic sheets in showcases the material of which was planned to change." Lechner's 110 wrought iron showcases (footprint of each about 168 x 76 cm) were apparently sufficient for this purpose. 31 Vayer 1940,284. 32 Basics, Beatrix: 'A Magyar Történelmi Képcsarnok' [The Hungarian Historical Picture Gallery]. In: Pintér, János (ed.): A 200 éves Magyar Nemzeti Múzeum gyűjteményei. [The Collections of the 200-year-old Hungarian National Museum]. Budapest, 2002, 276-307 (hereinafter: Basics 2002), 286. 33 Vayer 1940, 284. 34 See Ybl, Ervin: 'A Szépművészeti Múzeum palotája' [The palace of the Museum of Fine Arts]. In: Pogány, O. Gábor (ed.): A Szépművészeti Múzeum 1906-1956. Budapest, 1956, 49-59, 58 (text), and 22, 147, 150 (figs.). Its picture was published: Radványi, Orsolya: Térey Gábor 1864-1927. Egy konzervatív újító a Szépművészeti Múzeumban [Gábor Térey, a conservative innovator at the Museum of Fine Arts]. Budapest, 2006, 10-11 (figs.). Mentioned: Rostás, Péter: 'A rejtelmes kút. Egy velencei kút magyarországi másolatai' [The enigmatic fountain. Hungarian copies of a Venetian fountain]. Ars Hungarica , 2006, 277-306, 298; Keserű, Katalin: Toroezkai Wigand Ede. Az építészet mesterei. [Ede Toroezkai Wigand. Masters of Architecture]. Budapest, 2007 (hereinafter: Keserű 2007), 48. 35 The main reason for closing was the "lack of guarding personnel". Before the re-opening of the permanent exhibition in 1923, there were two temporary thematic showings: 1917 - graphic representation of old coronations (curated by Count István Zichy), and 1920 - Zrínyi commemorative exhibition. See Fejős 1959,287; Papp 2004, 33. 36 The new (fourth) permanent exhibition with a new selection of prints and drawings was opened on 16 January 1923. See Fejős 1959, 288; Papp 2004, 34. 37 See Gödölle, Mátyás: 'Történelmi Képcsarnok' [Historical Picture Gallery]. In: Pintér, János (ed.): A Nemzet Múzeuma. [The Museum of the Nation]. Budapest, 2009,137-145, fig. 9. 38 Basics 2002, 288. 39 Office of National Cultural Heritage, Budapest. Archive of Photographs, sign.: 016244 N, 016246 N. Cf. Papp, Gábor György (ed.): Épített örökség a Magyar Tudomány szolgálatában. [Constructed Heritage in Service of Hungarian Sciences]. Budapest, 2010, pi. 76, 77. 40 Papp 2004, 34. 41 Vayer 1940,284-285. 42 In 1937. See Papp 2004, 34. 43 From the beginning there were picture conservation rooms fitted out in the building of the Museum of Fine Arts. See Dr Kammerer, Ernő: 'A Szép­művészeti Múzeum' [The Museum of Fine Arts]. Művészet V/3. June 1906, 145-150, 150. On the evolution of the science of restoration, training of restorers and history of the restoring workshop sec the exhibition of the Museum of Applied Arts in 2008 entitled: "Revealing Trade Secrets. Restaured Treasures at the Museum of Applied Arts". 44 Herewith I should like to thank Katalin Körmöczi for her help by pointing out data and literature references to furnishing pieces of the Hungarian National Museum. 45 Lechner, Jenő: A Magyar Nemzeti Múzeum épülete 1836-1926 [The building of the Hungarian National Museum 1836-1926]. Budapest, 1927 (hereinafter: Lechner 1927), 36. Fejős, Imre: 'A Magyar Nemzeti Múzeum története (1802-1847)'. Folia Archeologica XVI, 1964, 267-281 (hereinafter: Fejős 1964), 280. 46 Lechner 1927, 36. 47 Cf. Fejős 1964, 280 and Zádor, Anna: Pollack Mihály (1773-1855). Budapest, 1960 (hereinafter Zádor 1960), 30. note 392. Moreover, Hampel, József: 'Az Érem- és régiségtár'. In: A Magyar 106

