Szilágyi András (szerk.): Ars Decorativa 28. (Budapest, 2012)

Balázs SEMSEY: Architecture and Museology at the End of the 19th Century

furniture (later complemented with the painted wooden panels of the ceiling of the Sóly church) remained unchanged for a long time. 6 (figs. 2-3) The exhibited ceiling panels and the choir loft came into the museum collection a few years earlier. 7 Looking back about a quarter of a century later, Radisics was quite justified in proudly declaring that "the collection and exhibition of this type of objects was initiated by the museum". 8 The Museum of Applied Arts played a pio­neering role indeed in the collecting pro­cess inspired by the growing art historical interest in painted church interiors towards the end of the century. 9 As far as we know now, the very first piece ever included in a public collection was the gallery of the Cal­vinist church of Mezőcsát acquired for the Museum of Applied Arts by the Ministry of Religion and Public Education in 1892 and was installed in the groundfloor hall of the building for a few years after the open­ing. 1 0 The next acquisition was the ceiling 3. Detail of the reorganized exhibition, photographer unknown, 1927 (MAA Archive F LT 4942) 9

