Vadas József (szerk.): Ars Decorativa 13. (Budapest, 1993)

CSÉFALVAY Pál: Csernyánszky Mária és Esztergom

Csernyánszky, with the help of Mária Varjú-Ember, was responsible for the arrangement of the glass cases and the installation of new cupboards. From a touristic point of view, the modernization came just in time, servicing a peak period. The exhibition was open until the end of 1987 - that is, for 23 years. During these years Mária Csernyánszky was anxiously taking care of the textile collection of the treasury, calling attention to all faults or failures. "Old Aunt Maria" as she signed a dedication once, returned to the Esztergom material in an essay in 1979. In the 6th volume of Ars Dccorativa she analizes the Venetian type chasubles of Hungary in a German language article entitled Kasein cum cruce veneciana. The following common traits can be observed on the pieces: the characteristic flat embroidery, while the Latin cross on the back of the chasuble was created from canopied compartments with a saint in each of them. The most significant one in Esztergom is the "Kutassy" chasuble, the Venetian origin of which is dubious due to some Hungarian saints - St. Stephen, St. Ladislaus and Prince Imre - appearing in the decoration. This means, however, that a strong Venetian influence on Hungarian embroidery should be presumed. Talking about Esztergom we cannot avoid mentioning that Mária Csernyánszky was always keen on enabling young priests to appreciate the artistic textiles they would inherit. She held a series of lectures to theologist priest students about the subject and since then she has visited almost all parishes of the country and could pass lots of joyful and sad experience to them. We can only hope that she will have a great number of enthusiastic followers in this respect.

