Dr. T. Tóth szerk.: Studia historico-anthropologica (Anthropologia Hungarica 18. Budapest, 1983)

ANTHROPOLOGIA HUNGARICA XVIII. 1982-1983 p. 75—84 The differentiation of the skin patterns in the territory of Hungary By T. D. GLADKOVA — T. A. TÓTH (Received April 20, 1983) Abstract. - Comparative dermatoglyphic analysis of 21 local groups (2720 in­dividuals) of the Hungarian male rural population is presented. The great major­ity of the groups is characterized by the Europoid elements except Taktabáj, Szendrő and Rozsály. With 5 tables and 4 figures. Present paper contains the brief general survey of the skin pattern distribution on the territory of the Hungarian People's Republic. We used our own formerly published data (GLADKOVA & TÓTH 1973, 1975, 1977, 1979, 1981) and our new materials from 9 local Hungarian groups. In all 21 groups (over 2700 males) from nine ethnogeographical regions of the country were investigated (Fig. 1). The palm - and fingerprints were collected by T.A. TÓTH in 1969-1971. The prints have been analysed by using the CUMMINS and MIDLO' s method of pattern interpretation (1961). The new local groups have been taken from several regions: Göcsej, the region south­west to the Lake Balaton (Kustánszeg, Becsvölgye, Petrikeresztúr, Csonkahegy hát), Jász­ság in the Middle Tisza region (Jászárokszállás, Jászfényszaru), North Hungary (Szikszó) and Szamoshát, North-East Hungary (Matolcs, Rozsály). Data concerning the new groups are given in Tables 1-5. Inasmuch as the bilateral variation and the distribution of the patterns on digits I-V and the palm pads are almost the same as in another peoples we give in the tables the average frequency for both hands. The data of the tables show an extensive variability, dispersity and crossing similarity between the western, Middle-Tisza and eastern local groups. So, for example, the frequency of the carpal axial triradius (t) is the same in the groups Becsvölgye (Balaton) and Rozsály (East Hungary). With regard to the pattern frequency of interdigital pad IV and the type 11 D these groups are similar. Whereas the Middle-Tisza group Jászfény szaru and the East group Matolcs are similar in respect of the frequency of carpal axial triradius and the hypothenar pattern. At the same time, as the tables show, the East group Rozsály is characterized, in comparison with the other samples, by the least frequency of arches, by the largest one of whorls and the highest on of Dl, q. The sample Rozsály has low values of the type 5A and the largest pattern frequency on palm pad III. If we compare a great number of groups the sum analysis of the combined traits seems to be most informative. In our previous work we gave the sum comparison characteristics of the investigated groups. Materials of Göcsej region have been considered in an another work (GLADKOVA, TOTH & KONDIK, in press).

